
Easy Ways To Naturally Whiten Your Teeth At Home

The first thing people notice about us when they see us are our eyes and teeth. If you don’t have the perfect set of pearly whites, this can make you feel less confident and more self-conscious.

Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular, as the most common problem people have with their smiles is the discoloration.

Your teeth can be perfectly healthy but discolored or yellow, which can lead you to cover up your mouth when you smile and avoid taking pictures. What kind of life is that?

You should be able to live your life freely, without a care in the world. It’s perfectly normal for discoloration to occur over time. After all, we eat and drink many things, and sometimes they can stain our teeth.

Instead of blowing all of your money on professional care and expensive treatments, you can opt for some natural ways to whiten your teeth and give yourself a smile you deserve.

1. Trust Turmeric

Turmeric is known for the stains it can leave on clothes, but it can have the opposite effect on your teeth if you use it correctly.

Due to some antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, it is the perfect bacteria killer. Turmeric is a common ingredient in mouthwash.

In other cases, it can be used as a solution for gum disease or gum swelling. The most convenient way to use turmeric at home is as a paste.

You can buy it as powder, then simply mix it with a teaspoon of water. Apply it as you would use toothpaste, and brush your teeth normally. Make sure to rinse out the solution thoroughly.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar is your Friend

Though apple cider vinegar may be common in the kitchen, it can be your best friend in the bathroom, too. Being a natural cleaner, this ingredient can do wonders for your teeth.

The fact it’s also a disinfectant supports the previous fact. All of that is possible thanks to acetic acid, the number one enemy of bacteria.

However, if it’s not used responsibly, apple cider vinegar can break down teeth enamel and cause some more serious issues.

This is why you should use apple cider vinegar safely. Applying the pure ingredient to your teeth and swishing it around your mouth is a huge no. Instead, mix only a tablespoon of it with some water, then rinse your mouth out with it.

3. Try Oil Pulling

Coconut oil is good for anything that has to do with your skin, hair, and teeth. Though it may sound counterintuitive to put oil on your teeth, it can be one of the best things you can do.

If you want to make your teeth whiter and brighter, all you have to do is spare fifteen minutes a day. Take some coconut oil and swish it around your mouth.

Due to its richness in antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, coconut oil will easily kill bacteria in your mouth.

As well as that, it will prevent the build-up of plaque. Existing plaque won’t be a problem either, because the coconut oil will kill it, too.

When the bacteria and the plaque are removed, there’s nothing from stopping the natural shine of your teeth from showing. This is why this method is commonly known as oil pulling.

4. Save your Banana Peels

If you and your family are a fan of bananas, this method is perfect for you. If you’re not, you should quickly become fans.

Saving your banana peels will prove to be convenient for more than just composting. Bananas are high in potassium and magnesium, as well as manganese.

All of these happen to be great for attracting stains and effectively removing them from teeth. Using them isn’t hard either, regardless of how clumsy it may sound.

Each morning, before you brush your teeth, take a banana peel and rub the inside of it to your teeth gently. Do this for about two minutes daily for the best results.

The inside of the peel is soft, so it shouldn’t cause any damage to your gums. To make things easier, you can cut the banana peel in smaller sizes.

As well as banana peels, you can try the same thing with orange and lemon peels. This is because these two citrus fruits act as whitening strips and brighten the teeth after a few uses.

5. Use Baking Soda

From getting rid of stains to curing heartburn, baking soda seems to be the answer to everything. In that spirit, brushing your teeth with it will surely make them shine.

This is also the simplest method, convenient for those who are just getting in the game of teeth whitening. All you have to do is dip your toothbrush into some baking soda and start brushing away.

Of course, you should dissolve the baking soda with some water first. You’ll also be happy to know this is one of the easiest ingredients to come by.

You probably already have it in the kitchen. If not, you can purchase it at any supermarket for a steal, making this the perfect teeth whitening method for anyone.

6. Avoid Staining Products

Prevention is one of the best ways to keep your teeth white. Without avoiding the products which stained your teeth in the first place, you’ll end up where you started, regardless of how much you clean your teeth or what methods you use.

Hence, you’ll have to make some sacrifices. That means there should be no more coffee, tea, soda, red wine, dark berries and tomato sauce on the menu.

This doesn’t mean you can’t consume them occasionally, but you should generally avoid them. If you’ve been avoiding these products, to begin with, you should probably check out some other teeth whitening methods.

For instance, check online stores such as Caredent for somewhat stronger teeth whitening products. Perhaps you don’t benefit from completely organic home methods, they’ll be able to provide you with the things you need to get a perfect shade of white.

7. Trust Activated Charcoal

Even though putting black charcoal on teeth to achieve the white effect may seem illogical, it works. People have long enjoyed brighter and whiter smiles because they’ve discovered the power of charcoal.

Thanks to extensive research, we know activated charcoal attracts tannins. In other words, it is naturally drawn to the component which stains your teeth.

The best part of using charcoal is it’s not difficult at all. You have to put the capsule in water and let it dissolve. Then, dip your toothbrush in and brush as you normally do.

Once you rinse out the charcoal, take your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth normally. You can do this daily for the best results.

Charcoal is also safe for kids, meaning it won’t hurt them if they accidentally ingest it.

Once they see your new pearly whites, your friends and family are bound to be impressed. There’s nothing more attractive than a set of perfectly white teeth shining with your confidence whenever you smile.

With these treatments, you’re bound to return to a state of happiness and joy you deserve. We’re confident the methods above will prove to be effective and bring about the perfection you seek.

Proper care and attention should be given to your teeth and gums. Gum diseases also affect children. Here are some of the causes, symptoms and remedies.

About the author

About the author

Helen Bradford is a journalism student who always seeks new ideas to write about. She enjoys blogging about beauty, health and style trends for women. When she’s not writing, she spends her spare time being active through fitness and traveling.

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