
Things That Need A Safety Check For Your Kids

Being a parent is a huge task. You have the responsibility of raising a human being, taking into account their safety, health, well being, and more.

Initially, you have to do just about everything for your children. They slowly learn how to perform simple tasks. Eventually, they become a responsible adult, at least that is the hope of all parents.

One of the things parents need to focus on is their child’s safety. You need to ensure everything you are giving your child has been approved for their use and will cause them no harm.

This can be difficult due to differing opinions, conflicting reports, and unfortunately, even items approved end up being harmful. Being a parent means doing your best to protect and provide for your children, and your best is all you can do.

Here are four important things that need a safety check for your kids.



If you want to go anywhere with a kid, you will need a good stroller. Strollers come in varieties, so there is certainly an option out there to meet your needs.

Many strollers have the option to put a car seat into the stroller seat, eliminating the need to switch the child from one into the other. There are some really nice strollers that are parent-friendly to avoid giving you another thing to stress about.

As with car seats, make sure you carefully read reviews when it comes to strollers. See what the downsides to certain strollers are. Make sure they have a good belt system to keep your child in place, the last thing you need is to have your child escaping mid-walk.

Make sure the sunshade has a good reach and is a good, thick material to protect your child from harmful sun rays.

safety check for your kids- a happy baby in a crib

Beds and Cribs

There have unfortunately been several beds and cribs that have been recalled due to harming children and infants. It is critical to do your research on any type of baby item, but carrying a safety check for your kid’s bed is essential especially when you won’t be watching them the whole time.

Mattresses should not be super soft, as this can lead to increased risk of suffocation. Mattresses should fit well in the crib so there is no space for the baby to get stuck.

Most people want a baby monitor in their child’s room so they can check into their child without disturbing them, which is a great idea.


Finding a safe daycare is necessary if you’re choosing the childcare route. Most daycares do a good job, but you definitely find establishments that are not as vigilant in their care of the children.

Find a daycare that has highly-trained, energetic, and happy employees. These people should not seem like their work is a burden, that is a bad sign.

Carefully read reviews of the daycare and ask a lot of questions when interviewing with them. Make sure you feel good about it before jumping in.

See what they feed the kids, what the schedule is like, and talk to other parents about their experience. Make sure you are well-informed before making any decision.

Car Seat

This is a huge one. With automobile accidents being a common cause of injury and death in people of all ages, it is imperative you find a car seat that will protect your child.

It is advised to have your child in a rear-facing seat until they outgrow that seat or between 2-3 years old. Afterward, they should use a front-facing car seat until about seven years old when they should be put in a booster seat.

Always make sure the chest strap is snug and across the chest. In addition, the car seat is highly reviewed and has no recalls.

Here are some car seat safety guidelines to protect your child. Always listen to your parental gut, it will help you make good decisions.

Finally, now you know the important things that need a safety check for your kids, you can give everything to them. You want the best for them, and should always be watchful of anything that might not reach our high standards of safety and quality.

If you want to research recalled items, you can visit to get more information. Do your research, listen to your intuition, and love your child and you will do a great job as a parent.

About the author

About the author

Spencer Bell is a senior at Brigham Young University – Idaho. He is studying Communication with an emphasis in Advertising. Spencer is from Nashville, Tennessee and loves football, hiking, Netflix and spending time with his wife. He loves writing and thinks nothing is better than seeing words come together to form an entertaining story.

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