
National Brownie Day ~ Friday Humor

On December 8th, National Brownie Day is celebrated to recognize this delicacy that reminds us of a cake and a cookie at the same time. Brownies are loved by many and are a popular snack in many countries’ homes. Today there are numerous recipes and variations of brownies. Although it is an official holiday in the U.S, some bakeries offer discounts and deals on brownies.

Background of National Brownie Day

The origin of the National Brownie Day is unknown. Still, it is believed to have been created by a brownie lover who thought it necessary to dedicate a day to celebrate this dessert. Brownies are quick and simple to make. Everyone has a favorite brownie recipe, so you can swap yours with a friend in celebration and enjoy a new brownie recipe. Here are some jokes on brownies.

1. The brownies I started making in my easy bake oven in 1987

are ready if anyone wants some.

2. Why did the computer programmer put his brownies back in the oven?

They were too GUI.

3. Most people like their eggs fried or scrambled. I like mine baked…

in cookies, brownies, and cake.

4. Just burned 2,000 calories.

That’s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I nap.

5. What’s blue and comes in brownies?

Cub Scouts.

6. What is worse than a Boy Scout in your pocket?

A Brownie in your pants.

7. I ate a couple of brownies the other day

Now I can’t go to the girl scout meetings anymore.

8. I noticed this morning that, due to the vibrations of the bus, the pieces of dessert that I was carrying were moving randomly within their container.

I believe this is an excellent example of brownie in motion.

9. Little Johnny’s mom sends him out to the store for some nuts so she can make brownies. On the way to the store, little johnny witnesses a horrendous car accident in which a car explodes with a man still inside. Stunned by what he just saw, he runs home to tell his mom.

He runs in and says, “Mom, there was this big accident!!! This guy was trapped in a car, and it blew up! His body parts went everywhere! His arm flew this way, and his leg the other way it was intense!” To which his mom replies, “And the nuts!?” “O, I don’t know where they went..”

10. “Hey Honey, I made some brownies as an apology for wrecking your car today.” “You did what?!”

“Brownies, you deaf idiot”
You would be amazed by what you can give up, lose, or break, and yet still be a person who gets happy over brownies- Augusten Burroughs.

About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies. She enjoys writing family oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor for Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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