
Ten Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself

With the pandemic on our hands, undoubtedly, the year 2020 has been a tough one and continues to be so. There’s no better time than right now to find ways to be kinder to yourself. Many people are suffering and fighting hard for their lives, which can be traumatic.

In all the chaos, anyone can forget about themselves and be fearful of what comes next. This may have dire consequences and should be changed. We all need kindness in our lives, especially nowadays.

The only person who can understand and be the kindest to you is yourself. Hence, I have collected ten different ways you can be kinder to yourself in 2020.

When this helps, make sure to share with others to also learn how to be kind themselves. 

1. Take Out Time for Yourself

With life being so busy, it’s evident you cannot take time out for yourself, which is wrong. Try to make yourself a priority no matter how busy you are or how much work you have to do and make time for yourself.

You can do whatever you like in the time you have. Activities such as painting, drawing, writing, listening to some jazz or sitting quietly with a drink can help you relax. Taking out time for yourself will prepare you for whatever is next.

2. Celebrate Every Achievement

We tend to ignore the small achievements and focus on the bigger ones, which is wrong; every achievement must be celebrated. Everything you accomplish comes after a lot of hard work and dedication, which you and everyone around you should acknowledge.

If the accomplishment is not huge or you don’t want others to know about it, then you can take yourself out for a hot chocolate or an ice-cream and never forget to be proud of yourself.

3. Forgive Yourself for What has Happened

Every once in a while, we all make mistakes we’re not proud of, and if given a chance, we will do everything to change those things.

You are the only person you can rely on, so forgive yourself for whatever happened in the past. You can sit down, resolve, and think about what happened and promise yourself you’re better with yourself and others from now on and believe everyone is allowed to make mistakes.

4. Treat Yourself to the Best Things

There’re many times when we refrain from buying our favorite things, especially if you work hard. If you want something, like a Gucci bag or those heels, then don’t wait for anything and go for it. 

Try to get yourself what you want; you can even go for that tub of ice-cream you want to have while watching a chick flick tonight. Giving yourself a treat will keep you motivated to do better and feel happier.

5. Take Care of Yourself

With life being so busy and hectic, there might be hardly time to take care of yourself, which is wrong and must be changed. One of the most significant ways to be kind to yourself is by taking good care of yourself.

Try to consume a healthy diet, so you can stay fresh and strong. Work out to keep your body fit, stay connected to friends and family, and do what makes you happy. Don’t be stressed about things you cannot control.

6. Believe You are Enough

There’re many times we wish we were richer, prettier or smarter. However, this is a fast route to unhappiness. Look yourself in the mirror and start affirming all your good qualities to yourself; try to do this more than once a week and believe it.

Whenever you have time, keep repeating to yourself you’re enough, worthy, you deserve to be happy and have everything you want. It does not matter what others believe; the point is to always see what you think, and once you believe you’re enough, no force can stop you.

7. Honor your Dreams 

You may have many different dreams, and while thinking about them, you may laugh at how childish or non-achievable they seem.Try to honor your dreams and believe in them.

Stop labeling them as a silly fantasy, and take them seriously. You have the power to turn these dreams into your destination, so be serious, make a plan, and start working.

8. Don’t Try to Be Perfect

The word “Perfect” is an illusion many run after. Always remember when you’re setting a standard for yourself, you will fail. So don’t even try to be the perfect person because you’ll never be that.

Instead, try to be kind, helpful towards others, and be the best version of yourself so you’re liked and loved by yourself and others around you.

9. Accept Yourself as you Are

One of the hardest things is to accept how you are. It’s easy to accept the good parts but at the same time, accepting the bad parts can be the hard. There’ll be many times when you’ll accept some of the bad parts, but there’ll be more times when you will fail in doing so.

Regardless, don’t be disappointed in whatever you’re feeling. Accept yourself as you are and be proud of yourself; the good and the bad parts are in you, and try to own them no matter what.

10. Try to Help Others Feel Happiness

2020 has been challenging around the world, and with everything going on in the world, you need to give yourself a break and be kind to yourself. If anyone around you is going through a tough time, make sure to be there for them by listening to them, and helping them with their challenges.

Finally, you can check out different products and buy imported hash online to reduce anxiety and depression in the short term if nothing else is helping. You can follow these ten ways or find your own ways to be kind.

Remember within kindness resides the key to life, so be kind and helpful towards yourself and others to live a happy and prosperous life.

About the author

About the author

Josh Lees is a final year psychology student. He is a passionate writer and loves to research mental and physical health. He has published many articles regarding different mental conditions. To find out more about his journey head over to

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