
7 Home Areas You Probably Forget To Clean

7 Home Areas You Probably Forget to Clean – But Shouldn’t

Even though cleaning your home may not be the most enjoyable thing, it’s still important to do. After all, a clean home can help you reduce the spread of harmful bacteria and pests that can be the culprit of illness.

And while you may have already found all the cleaning hacks on Instagram and used all the tips and tricks on Pinterest. Chances are there are still parts of your home that are being overlooked. 

Here are seven areas of your home you probably forget to clean, but absolutely shouldn’t.

  1. Drains

Most people only clean out the drains when they notice water backing up, but your drains should be cleaned more often. Doing this removes particles from living inside the drain that can either create a horrible smell or from generating buildup that could lead to a more expensive fix.

If you want to keep the drains in your home working properly and not creating a musty smell, be sure to clean your drains regularly.

  1. Throw Pillows

Take a look at your throw pillows. How often do you sit on, lay on, grab, sleep, etc. on them?

Probably pretty often. However, chances are you’re not washing these very often, if at all.

Instead of allowing these pillows to start to smell, collect dust or just become downright disgusting, it’s a good idea for you to clean throw pillows when possible. Be sure to read the directions on the pillows to see if there are any special directions you would need to follow.

After all, the last thing you need is to ruin your throw pillows by washing them the wrong way.

  1. Trash Cans

Your trash cans see a lot of disgusting things. Even if you use garbage bags in your cans, these cans can become pretty gross.

From harboring disgusting smells to being stained and dirty, your cans likely need a good cleaning more often than you think. Make it a point to clean the garbage cans at least once a month, if not more often.

Washing them down with bleach or soapy water can help get rid of any excess food particles, and baking soda can help eliminate any smells.

  1. Curtains

If you have curtains throughout your home, think back to the last time you washed them. Can you even remember?

If not, now would be a good time to do so. Although you may not think your curtains can experience much action that would warrant them being cleaned, they do collect a lot, from debris to dust, to pet dander.

If you have anyone in the home who suffers from allergies, then your curtains could be part of the problem. Make it a point to clean your curtains often so you have a clean area.

  1. Bathroom Décor

Do you have any type of décor in your bathroom, from tissue box holders to knickknacks to wall hangings? If so, it’s very important you give these items  a good cleaning as often as you clean the bathroom.

That’s because your bathroom harbors more bacteria than you think. These knickknacks and decorations could be housing a lot of harmful bacteria that could make you sick.

Be sure to wipe down the décor pieces as often as you possibly can and only opt for décor that can be cleaned (so no soft materials unless washer friendly).

  1. Knobs and Handles

You spend a lot of time cleaning your house. This usually means wiping down counters, dusting off end tables, vacuuming and dusting off other décor pieces.

But what about the handles and knobs on your drawers and cabinets? If you don’t clean these often enough, then it’s important you start now.

After all, think of how many people touch your knobs and handles on a daily basis, and think of all the things those hands have touched during the day.

  1. Salt and Pepper Shakers

If you enjoy your seasonings, your salt and pepper shakers probably see a lot of action. And while you wipe down counters and clean dishes, you probably don’t think about your salt and pepper shakers.

Be sure to give these items a good wipe down often to help clean them from any bacteria or dirt. This will help give you a cleaner kitchen.

Your home should be a place where you feel clean and safe, and ignoring all these common areas could have a negative impact on your health. By making these a priority, you’ll find yourself with a healthier home.

Ductwork cleaning has become a popular topic of conversation in the past years. Some people claim it’s a scam and totally unnecessary.

While others swear by it and find it a viable option to improve indoor air quality. This leaves many homeowners confused, trying to determine if air duct cleaning is really worth it?

The answer can seem subjective since every house is unique. Click here to determine if duct cleaning is right for your home!

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  1. OK so I thought I was good at cleaning, it turns out that after reading this post I’m not nearly as good as I can be, so thank you for the extra ideas.

    But all seriousness, great post and some good advice so Thank You

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