To Be a Father

A Dad’s Battle For Child Custody

A custody battle for a loving and nurturing dad can feel like a hopeless battle. The current court system has historically favored women as primary caregivers.

Good dads are often slighted with a minuscule visitation window for seeing their children. Whether you are fighting for full custody or a more open visitation schedule, it’s important to know your rights and what it takes to win the time you deserve with your child.

Set Goals

It’s important from the beginning you determine what your goals for custody are. The parent with legal custody of a child will make long term decisions regarding health care, religion and schooling.

The child lives with the parent that has physical custody. Both biological parents have the right to seek custody or visitation.

Decide whether you wish for sole legal and physical custody, joint custody or simply more visitation rights. Use your role in your child’s daily life as a guide for your goals.

Be adamant about your wishes in court and don’t settle for any less.

Talk to a Lawyer

Don’t settle for any lawyer. Seek attorneys that are sympathetic with your needs as a dad.

There are many lawyers that still hold the same mindset as the courts in granting a mother’s custodial wishes. Discuss your goals with professionals, like those from Trump & Trump to make sure the best possible outcome in your custody battle.

Mind Your Behavior

Unfortunately, the role of men in society is often portrayed as dominant or overpowering. Take care to stay civil when interacting with your child’s mother.

Avoid expressing any negative comments about her especially when around the child. Any negative interaction can be held against you and be detrimental to the establishment of your character to a judge.

There have been cases where video or audio footage was admitted in court. Although this is an emotional time for all parties involved do your best to remain calm and collected.

Take Caution with Social Media

Today’s custody battles can sometimes happen all over social media. This occurs when one or both people within the splitting relationship put everything they’re going through and their rants about each other on their social media comments and posts.

In other words, they air their dirty laundry for everyone else to see. This can be harmful, especially if anything is seen to be abusive in wording or some other way detrimental as it can end up in court and used as evidence in some way.

To avoid that, make sure you don’t discuss custody or divorce issues on social media or in any other type of public forum. Establishing the importance of your role as a parent is critical to reaching your custody or visitation goals.

Highlight the needs of your child and how you have met them in the past. Point out your daily rituals and routines that solidify your role in your child’s daily life.

Fighting for custody can be a long and hard process but the battle is worth the reward when you get the time you deserve with your child.

About the author

About the author

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and full-time mother from Sacramento, CA. Her two boys keep her very busy, and they are her inspiration for much of her writing. Her favorite subjects to write about are family and business.

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