
Proposing to a Woman with Kids – The Benefits

If you’re seriously involved with a woman who already has kids, you’ll have the opportunity to become part of a functional family. Although this doesn’t mean you cannot have a new child together, it does say you take on the important role of a stepfather.

Proposed - Yoda Do or Do Not  - No Try
This idea can be intimidating for some men, but it can take a lot of pressure off of your relationship. You’ll be able to see what your future bride is like with children, and you will not feel pressured into having a baby by a certain time frame.
Also, you can experience the rewards associated with helping raise children in a stable environment.

Proposal Ideas

Proposing to a woman with kids opens up several more options. Instead of getting down on a knee, you can involve the entire family in the proposal.

For example, you could take everyone on a picnic, and then ask the children and their mom for permission to become a part of their family through marriage.

Proposed - Will You Marry Me

It is a good idea to have a piece of jewelry or a gift for the children in addition to the engagement ring. This will symbolize everyone’s commitment to becoming a family. 

For instance, in Los Angeles, California jewelry stores offer extensive online selections of rings with birthstones, diamonds and other gift ideas. If the children are older, you can enlist their help in setting up the perfect proposal.

One of the children could discreetly take a photograph of the special moment. Their siblings could give the proper ambiance by playing music and presenting flowers.

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Even if you prefer to propose in a more traditional way, it is still a good idea to involve the children as soon as the ring is on their mother’s finger. Keep in mind your actions during the proposal day can help make the children feel either properly included or excluded.

It is important to start things off on the right foot.

Additional Perks of Proposing to a Woman with Kids

When you become serious about a lady who already has kids, you will have the opportunity to get to know her children before you propose. This makes it easy to decide whether you have the patience to raise children.

It also lets you develop relationships that will make the entire process go much more smoothly.

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Additionally, if you are comfortable with the idea of not having children of your own, you might be able to skip over the difficult period that includes changing diapers, midnight feedings and potty training. In other words, you can get all the rewards of becoming a good stepparent without the stress associated with raising a child through toddlerhood.

Ultimately, the decision to propose to a woman who has kids will be based on your feelings for her, but you will also need to consider the implications of raising her children. As long as you feel like the entire family is a good fit, you will have the opportunity to step into a fully functioning unit.

Melanie Fleury is a proud wife and mother. Icing on the Ring jewelry stores in Los Angeles and online offer rings for both the bride to be as well as anyone special in your life.
A birthstone ring or a smaller-scale ring would make a great gift for a young lady or young man that is soon to be your stepdaughter or stepson. 
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  1. It’s complicated to love someone who have kids, but if both of you love each other and you are willing to raise her children, then there’s no reason for you to step back.

    1. Hi Samantha,
      I agree with you. It takes some effort and understanding to build and maintain a healthy relationship with a partner with kids from a previous relationship.

  2. I love this article! it is very well written and touches on a topic that can sometimes be a cliche.

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