
Apps – The Top Ones for Parents to Get

Do you worry because your child rides their bicycle to school each day and you need to know they got there safely or your child is visiting friends and you’re worried what they’re up to?

There are a choice of apps available to help you not only track your child, but know what they’re up to on social media.

Social media such as Facebook has become such an important part of every child’s life and now you can be informed when they are tagged in a photograph or when they make a new friend to make sure your child’s safety.

Mamabear App

Mamabear lets you know where your children are always, it shows their location on a map and alerts you if they leave school early or when they go off the map. You can also get handy alerts when your child makes a new friend on Facebook or tagged in a photograph, so you can check their social media with ease.

App - Mamabear

Another useful side to this app is when you child starts to drive, you can get an alert when they’re driving too fast so you can take any necessary action.

iHomeopathy App

iHomeopathy is a fantastic app giving parents worldwide a chance to check ailments and illnesses their children may be suffering from along with easy to follow first aid and emergency information. The app offers medicine dosages, how often to give medications along with the ability to name symptoms with a push of the button.

App - iHomeopathy

SurfBalance App

App - Surfbalance

The majority of parents these days are concerned regarding the web pages their children can use. SurfBalance is a browser for children with parental controls which enables parents to select accessible pages according to the child’s maturity. With over 1,000 webpages available, parents can limit the amount of daily internet access and receive reports on what their children have done.

MyNino App

MyNino lets you track the activity of your child throughout the day with updated reports and location information. You can also get an activity list of all phone calls and text messages received and sent on your child’s phone, so you can know what they’re up to at all times.

App - My Nino

If your child phones and states they are lost or unsure where they are, you can get driving directions to their location to pick them up.

Emergency ICE Family Pro App

This app enables you to have a complete family profile on your mobile phone including date of birth, phone numbers, addresses and medical information. With this app you can quickly check your family member’s blood type, allergies and any medicines they may be taking along with your emergency contacts and power of attorney information.

App - Emergency ICE

This is a useful app whether you have a small or large family, enabling you to have all the medical information you need at your fingertips. 

About the author

About the author

Kirsten Hendrich runs her own busy handmade jewelry business. She finds these apps to be really beneficial for helping her keep an eye on her family to make sure they are safe.

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