Stepfather Quote & Wisdom – Stand Don’t Fall

Give us clear vision, that we may know where to stand and what to stand for – because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.
~ Peter Marshall, US Senate Chaplain 1947
What do you take a stand for? What are you willing to fall on your sword for? What do you feel so passionately about you’re unwilling to sacrifice your values and beliefs? In the case of these small business owners, Chris & Kelly McMurray, remaining true to their beliefs paid unexpected dividends.
In August 2012, the Secret Service entered a small bakery, Crumb and Get It, in Radford, Virginia. The agents asked the owner, Chris McMurray, if he would like a chance of a lifetime to get some great publicity by letting his fledgling store be used as a photo opportunity for Vice President Joe Biden. Chris knew his business could really benefit from this chance. Chris and his wife just started the small bakery three months prior and were struggling mightly to make a go of it.
Their workload often required Kelly to work 24 hours straight. To the agents’ surprise, Chris firmly and respectfully said, “No.” Chris and Kelly took exception with President Obama’s message, “You didn’t build that” to small business owners throughout America. Chris explains he and his wife did build their store and they were not willing for their business to be used for President Obama’s political purposes.
Since the decline of the photo op, Crumb and Get It was swamped with business. One day they were forced to close early because they ran out of food. Their phone was ringing nonstop with orders from all over the county with requests to deliver cookies and cupcakes to homeless shelters, churches and nonprofits.
You won’t believe this but the first orders came from the same Secret Service agents who requested the store for the Biden photo op. The agents were so happy they ordered cookies and cupcakes for themselves on the spot. Please watch the following video and see Chris and Kelly’s story.
If you don’t already know please take time to decide what you would fall on your sword for. Remember when you make a stand be prepared to stand alone like a tree. If you fall on the ground, be like a seed that grows back to fight again.