
Top Ten Reasons To Participate In The Forum


Stepfather Hitting Rock Bottom

I recently hit rock bottom. Membership in the forum has been steadily growing since it was opened but it’s been painfully quiet except for the crickets and I’m not talking Buddy Holly.

The Chirping Crickets

What’s going on?  I’m reminded of my high school dances where everyone’s standing on the edge of the dance floor movin’ and groovin’ to the music but no one wants to be the first one out on the dance floor. 

Is that what’s happening?  Please add your own reason below.  If you’re a member start a new thread or add to an existing one and if you’re not already a member just click Forum to get this party started.  😀

10. It’s free

9. It’s easy to get started just click on Forum

8. Get great advice

7. Share your knowledge and experience with someone who really needs it

6. It’ll give you something to tweet

5. A fantastic excuse to stay up way past your bed-time and eat your kid’s Halloween candy

4. Get great advice; learn from stepparents like yourself who have been there, done that

3. Get inspiration

2. It’s therapeutic like Chicken Soup for Your Soul

And the number one reason to participate in the forum:

1. The crickets are getting ready to go South for the Winter

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