
Burglary: Six Mistakes Burglars Exploit

According to the FBI, the US saw over 2,000,000 burglaries in 2010.  More alarming is many homeowners make simple mistakeBurglary - Bad Landscapings that put targets on their homes. These mistakes are likely less obvious than many think.


Bushes and shrubs around windows provide much-desired privacy for burglars attempting to enter your home unseen.


Trim hedges and bushes to three feet or shorter to eliminate hiding places and increase visibility for neighbors who can report suspicious activity. Planting low, thorny bushes and succulents below windows also deter burglars for obvious reasons. The ground below windows can also be covered in gravel to create a noisy area to walk in.


Burglars love ladders left in yards as they give easy access to upper level windows. These windows are sometimes less protected than ground floor windows. Homeowners may be more lax about locking them and the alarm system may be inferior.


Keep ladders and tools locked away. Make sure all windows in your home are locked and wired in to the most comprehensive alarm system possible.

Accessible Valuables

“Normally, people keep the same items in the same place,” says burglar James Butters in an interview with NBC 5 News.

“There’s going to be a jewelry box on top of the dresser. If it’s not there, it may be in the bathroom closet.” Keeping your valuables easily accessibleburglary - hand reaching through window makes a home burglary a much quicker and successful one.


Invest in a safe from a reputable dealer. According to Dial Locksmith Ltd. in Alberta, 99 percent of homes fail to take this measure, leading to an increased likelihood of stolen valuables. Installing a quality safe deters home burglars looking for a quick, easy score.

Obvious Signs You are on Vacation

Another common mistake that invites burglary is the failure to hide signs you’re out of town. Many people announce their vacation plans on Facebook, for instance, as well as let mail and daily newspapers pile up in front of their home.


Don’t use social media to publicize your vacation beforehand. and ask trusted friends to retrieve your piling mail, mow your lawn, and perhaps even move your car every now and then to give the impression your home isn’t empty.

Daytime Deliveries

An unanswered knock on the door, a package left on the steps or missed delivery sticker on the door are dead giveaways to observant burglars that no one is home.


Schedule mail deliveries for times when someone will be home, if possible. Have packages delivered to a back door if the delivery must be made. Alternatively, depending on the carrier, you may request the package to be held at the office until you can pick up.

Valuables Left Outside or Visible

Prospective burglars are extremely likely to pick a target based on the look of the property. If you have expensive vehicles, boats, pricey furniture and other possessions easily visible, you are potentially making yourself an obvious mark.


Keep all vehicles and bikes in garages, keep curtains drawn, and be aware of how your home looks from the exterior. If your home gives off the dual appearance of carelessness and affluence, then you are inviting trouble without even realizing it.


To protect your home, it’s important to evaluate it through the eyes of a burglar. Look for any way you might be signaling thieves about when your home is unoccupied or what valuables you have inside. Remember, these criminals are looking for easy targets. An additional way to protect your home is to install a home security system.  The information from this article was sourced from 24/7

About the author

About the author

A recent graduate from the University of San Francisco, Anica Oaks is a full-time freelance writer. She’s already published articles for a variety of industries, ranging from technology to beauty to health. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. You can connect with her here.

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  1. Door locks provide security and peace of mind, but they can also become quite irritating when they aren’t working right, or if you accidentally leave your keys on the wrong side of one. Remember, before you start fiddling with picking locks and breaking down doors that you should really be sure you have no other options. Many of these methods take time to learn, so bear that in mind.

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