Anyone with friends who are suffering through domestic violence issues must understand every situation is complex. There are no simple answers. It is still important to listen to friends, understand the realities of domestic violence and help whenever possible. One way to help friends experiencing domestic violence issues is to provide four pieces of advice.
Plan to Leave the Situation
The idea of leaving a bad situation immediately is not practical for many people dealing with domestic violence issues. It is better to advise a friend to start planning to leave. This could mean establishing a support network, saving money away from the abuser or reaching out to family who can help. A person who is experiencing domestic issues is more likely to leave in the future if a firm plan is in place.
Seek Counseling
Domestic violence often includes many different forms of abuse. A victim of domestic violence could be abused emotionally, financially, socially and physically. The abuse can trigger issues like depression, low self-esteem and severe anxiety. It is best to encourage friends dealing with domestic issues to seek counseling as soon as possible. Counseling can help to undo some of the damage caused by the abuse. It is also often a necessary step to regain a normal life later.
Take Legal Action
Victims of domestic violence should be encouraged to take legal action against the abuser. A domestic violence attorney, such as one found at BradleyCorbettLaw.com, can help in a number of ways, including filing protective orders and starting divorce proceedings for married individuals. An attorney can help if criminal charges are pressed against the abuser.
These attorneys can also often help domestic violence victims to win custody of children, enforce child support payments and settle other civil matters arising from the situation. Many attorneys can also provide additional support and resources during the transition away from an abusive situation, such as the names of experienced domestic violence counselors.
Document Everything
Friends suffering from domestic violence issues should be advised to document everything that is happening, even if the individual cannot leave the situation. Documenting the abuse through pictures, saved messages or official records will provide all the information necessary for an attorney to take action. Documenting the abuse removes any doubt about what was happening if issues are taken to police or the courts.
It is important not to add additional stress to a domestic violence situation by forcing a person to leave immediately, confronting the abuser or assigning blame. Domestic violence creates a very dangerous situation that can easily spill outside of the home. The best course of action is to listen to friends, provide emotional support and encourage action when the time is right.
The Author
Chaleigh Glass is a writer and photographer from NYC. When she isn’t busy in her apartment writing, Chaleigh loves to travel. Her escapades and interactions with people from a broad spectrum of backgrounds has given her a vast amount of different experiences and pieces of knowledge that she loves to share in her writings.
Image Credit: TheGuardian.com