
Your Children Are Changing Every Day – Photos Capture The Moment!

Photo Child Photographer

If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that time flies with children about. Speak to any parent and they will tell you to cherish every single moment, because they grow up far too soon.

You need to make sure you capture their little faces as they grow, as you will love looking back on the photos – as will they. One day, your great-great-grandchildren may even be flicking through the same set of photos.

It’s really important you do it right, so you create a lasting memory of your child’s precious formative years. Here’s our guide to making sure no moment goes missed:

Get a Decent Camera

Photos - Used Cameras

Cameras have really progressed over the past few years, and you need to make sure your equipment is up to the job. Spend some money on a really good quality one you know won’t let you down in that magical moment.

Good quality lenses provide a real depth of field that cheap ones just don’t offer – so everybody can be a professional photographer these days. You never know – the snap you just took may be good enough to blow up and get framed to put on your wall!

A perfect pose taken with a rubbish camera is just going to be a disappointment. Look for clear lines and blur-free images.

Do a Professional Shoot

Photo On Location Family Photo

Once in a while you may like to take your family along to a professional portraiture studio where you can all be captured together. Many parents complain they are never in the photographs – because they are always the ones taking them!

This way, you can all be snapped together doing what you do best – laughing and joking. Studio quality photographs are ones you will cherish forever, and you can choose the best ones and get them put into an album.

Use Photoshop

Photo of a Tigerrel
Rare photo of a Tigerrel

Adobe Photoshop is brilliant for making the best out of your photos – so play around with the features it offers. You can cut people out, put frames round them, change backgrounds – anything you want really.

So don’t write off a photo because it’s not perfect – the chances are you can get it changed. Using Photoshop takes some getting used to like how to work on retouching and even adding layers, but once you know your way around it you’ll find you use it regularly.

Don’t Put Your Photos in a Drawer and Forget About Them!

Chldren Photos on Wall

What are you going to do with all these wonderful photos you have? Too many people stuff them away in a drawer. Or even worse, save them in an online folder where they will fester, forgotten forever.

If you are proud of the pictures of your children, then flaunt them! Blow photos up and put them on your wall, make Christmas cards using photos, create albums and even get your favorite photos put on mugs or made into calendars!

The possibilities are endless, so look for as many ways to display your photos as you can possibly find. Photographs are a way of immortalizing a moment forever – don’t miss a single chance!

About the author

About the author

The author of this post, Lucy Literna, is a professional photographer and is well-known for capturing memorable moments of newborns. She is really passionate about photography and runs a photo studio in Toronto. She likes to express herself through her blog posts.

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