
A Man Hears A Voice ~ Friday Humor

A guy gets home from work one evening and hears a voice. The voice tells him, “Quit your job, sell your house, take your money, go to Vegas.”

The man is disturbed by what he hears and ignores the voice. The next day when he gets home from work, the same thing happens.

The voice tells him, “Quit your job, sell your house, take your money, go to Vegas.” Again the man ignores the voice, though he is very troubled by the event.

Every day, day after day, the man hears the same voice when he gets home from work. “Quit your job, sell your house, take your money, go to Vegas.” Each time the man hears the voice he becomes increasingly upset.

Finally, after two weeks, he succumbs to the pressure. He does quit his job, sells his house, takes his money, and heads to Vegas.

The moment the man gets off the plane in Vegas, the voice tells him, “Go to Harrah’s.” So, he hops in a cab and rushes over to Harrah’s. As soon as he sets foot in the casino, the voice tells him, “Go to the roulette table.” The man does as he is told.

When he gets to the roulette table, the voice tells him, “Put all your money on 17.” Nervously, the man cashes in his money for chips and then puts them all on 17.

The dealer wishes the man good luck and spins the roulette wheel. Around and around the ball goes. The man anxiously watches the ball as it slowly loses speed until finally, it settles into number . . . 21.

The voice says, “Damn!”

Nevada is known for its flashy casinos and first-class entertainment. Read some of the best jokes about Nevada.

“There has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from we the people of the United States of America, to delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump, to manufacture votes for Joe Biden.” ~ Attorney Sidney Powell

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married into a blended family, becoming the stepdad to his wife’s two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and the women who love them. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Twitter and Facebook.

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