Blended Family

Tips For Bringing Your Blended Family Together

Parents previously married require useful tips for bringing a blended family together when they remarry. Some families are less structured than others, but it doesn’t make them any less legitimate or loving.

The new family can be quite different as members of each previous family learn how to come together. These are seven tips for bringing and keeping your blended family together.

Foster Individual Relationships

It can be stressful to try to get everyone in your blended family to get along all at once. If you have multiple stepchildren as well as your own offspring, don’t try to force anything to happen too suddenly.

Try to help everyone find ways to develop common ground with each other. Your child and your partner’s child might both enjoy a certain video game, or there could be another shared interest between your child and your new spouse.

It’s also possible that not everyone will get along as much as you’d like. If this is the case, don’t fret. Conflicts are bound to happen even in the healthiest families. The most important thing is that everyone is able to respect one another.

Caring for a Dog

A blended family is a fresh start, and caring for a brand-new dog can help get things started off on the right foot. Puppies don’t just teach responsibility; they also teach the importance of nurturing.

It’s important for both your family and puppy to be a good fit for one another, which requires careful consideration about both the needs and attributes of the family and those of the dog.

If there are younger children involved, a more aggressive breed should be avoided. Before getting a dog, ascertain that everyone will be able to pitch in and not play the blame game if things go wrong.

This tip for bringing your family together is also a great way to reveal members of your family who are responsible. 

Quality Time at Home

Having everyone constantly holed up in their bedrooms or just staring at screens is no good. Even if people like keeping to themselves, there should still be some time put aside every week for bonding.

Your blended family can feel more enthused about this by taking turns to decide what you do. One week, someone might suggest playing a new board game.

Another week, someone might want to start watching a new television series. Be open to new ideas and be polite whenever someone comes up with something.

This is the best way to make everyone feel their ideas are welcome and you’ll all be able to get some sort of enjoyment out of it.

Working Together

If there’s a chore to be done and everyone in the house is old enough to play at least some part, then you should all team up. For example, if it’s time to take down the holiday decorations, come up with a plan for how you’ll do it, starting with agreeing on roles.

Everyone needs to put in some effort so you can get things done on time. Be a positive influence by talking about how much you like to take care of things. People, especially young children, are easily swayed by this kind of positive association.


Getting out of the house is a great way for your blended family to learn from one another. There should be events around your city or neighborhood that pique your interest.

Even old standbys like going to the movies or getting ice cream can be effective. If either half of the family is in a new territory, this is a good time for the other half to show some of their favorite spots around town.


Traveling with your blended family can teach you a lot about what interests them. You can also show what you care about by planning a trip to your favorite spots.

If everyone wants some excitement, you should find a new place to visit. Consult travel guides to find places suitable for a blended family trip. You might go camping at a national park, take a cruise, or go sightseeing in another country.

Cooking Together

People so easily opt for eating out and forget about how much of a joy it can be to cook a meal at home. Solo meals can be a bit of a pain to prepare, but a family collaboration can be a total delight.

Choose a recipe that’s involved but not too complicated. Fun recipes for the blended family to make include pizza, tacos, and kabobs. Get as inspired as possible by adding whatever flavors and ingredients speak to you the most.

Don’t try to force bonding in a blended family, especially not in the early stages. There needs to be time for everyone to get acquainted and learn from one another. Here are three effective ways to win your stepchild’s heart.

Present these all as opportunities for everyone to come closer and realize just how special your new family is. With these tips, you can bring and keep your blended family together.

About the author

About the author

I’m Harper Harmon a freelance writer and blogger who focuses on business, health, and other various topics. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communication from UCLA. I currently reside in Santa Cruz, CA with my dog, Sassy.

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