
How to Get Your Kids Excited About Family Traditions

Handing down traditions or making new ones is ideal for continually renewing our sense of awe and excitement about life’s big and small moments. It’s fun to pass along the little rituals we did with our parents as kids, but sometimes our excitement isn’t shared by our children. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to get your kids excited about family traditions.


For your children to understand why a tradition matters, it’s important to pass down the stories and memories of the people and events that influenced or started your family traditions. Not only do stories of why a traditional food is served or a song is sung explain the event, but it also connects your children to their heritage and makes it personal.

Think of fun and exciting ways to make your family history come to life. Instead of just talking about and eating foods that have been made in your family for traditions, have your kids help you in making the food. If you play certain games during the holidays as a tradition, talk about how that started and how your family can put their twist on it.

This is especially important with blended families. The stories can give you a base for family traditions to mold for each specific family.

Community Service

Another wonderful way to bond as a family while passing down your family values is through some traditional community service you feel is important. This can be feeding the homeless or planting flags at a cemetery to honor soldiers for their service.

Pair this service with a rewarding event that makes your child feel their contribution was important. No matter your family dynamics, service can bring you closer together and work together to make a difference in your community.

Get Kids Involved

One of the easiest ways to create excitement about a tradition is to let the kids be involved. If you regularly have a family night where a particular dish is served followed by games or a movie, let the kids help make the food and rotate who chooses the movie or game.

Also, be willing to compromise on some of the details of a tradition if it will keep your child involved. This lets them feel like one of the decision makers instead of just one of the participants.

For blended families, it’s important to let older children help decide what, if anything, will change with some of their favorite traditions. They shouldn’t feel like their most cherished traditions are in jeopardy just because the family dynamics are different.

Holiday Décor

Holiday decorations are also an excellent way to get kids excited by creating a sense of anticipation. Take turns hanging favorite decorations, add special decor as the holiday gets closer, and tell stories about treasured holiday heirlooms.

This builds their anticipation and stretches the season out into meaningful moments that they will remember. You can even choose new décor with your family each season to help them get excited.

This doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor with coupons from Whether it’s a simple tree ornament, different stockings, new pillows or festive tablecloths, letting kids help choose the décor can get them excited.

Remember, family traditions are a great way for families to bond together, build memories, connect with their cultural heritage, and pass down their family history. Traditions come in all shapes and sizes. They can be large yearly parties to kick-off summer where a family recipe is always served or a weekly family game night. Traditions are as unique as each family, but the common thread that runs through them is they repeat and foster a sense of “us.”

About the author

About the author

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She often writes about home, family, finance and business. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing.

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