
Top Ten Free Natural Cleaning Hacks

Spring has finally arrived and it’s time to pull out those yellow gloves in preparation for the annual spring clean. Interior specialists Blinds Hut have been investigating the unconventional ways to clean your home with ingredients you likely already have hidden in your cupboards.

For example, have you ever thought to use mayonnaise to remove crayon marks from walls and residue from labels? What about using ice cubes to remove furniture leg indentation from carpets?

Even if you don’t have them handy, the items needed for these neat tricks only cost pennies to buy! Keeping your home clean can be an expensive and arduous task. That’s why Blinds Hut has put together this list of top ten cost-efficient cleaning hacks using common household items.

If you follow these hacks, you’ll save over £25 every time it’s time to do your spring clean 

1. Candle wax prevents mold from growing on tile grout.


A common problem in kitchens and bathrooms is that mold can begin to form on your tile grouting if it’s not protected in the correct way. Swap an expensive bottle of protector spray for our cost-effective candle solution.
All you need to do is rub your candle into the grout, ensuring that it’s coated evenly with candle wax, so the grouting is sealed. Candle wax is perfect to protect areas in which water is used regularly, as it won’t dissolve if it happens to get wet.

2. White vinegar is great for removing gunk and rust.

white vinegar

A great way to clean unpleasant grime around your faucet is to use white vinegar, along with a cloth.
Simply add half a cup of white vinegar to some warm water and use a cloth to apply the solution to the area.
If it’s proving particularly tough to remove, swap the cloth for a toothbrush for some extra scrubbing power.
A combination of white vinegar and salt can also be used to remove rust from your iron by simply scrubbing the surface until clear.

3. Ice cubes remove annoying furniture leg indentation on carpets.

ice cubes

One of the worst things about having a furniture switch around in your home is the annoying dents that chair and table legs leave in your carpet.
It can be easy to think that these are permanent, but with the help of some ice cubes, your carpet will be back to normal in no time. Take as many ice cubes as you need to completely fill the dent. Compressed carpet fibers will begin to absorb the water which will, in turn, reduce the indentation.

4. Lemons can be used as a natural disinfectant in every room.


Due to its high concentration of citric acid, low pH and antibacterial qualities, lemon can be used to clean most surfaces around the home, whether it be in the bathroom or kitchen.
When it’s time to tackle grime and dirt, simply strain the lemon juice into a spray bottle and mix with vinegar and water. Ensure that you shake well before using. Lemon also has the added advantage of leaving your home smelling great.

5. Tennis balls are perfect for removing scuff marks.

tennis ball

Most areas around the home can be susceptible to scuff marks, especially if you have laminate flooring.
Scuff marks can also easily appear on your walls. A tennis ball may seem like an unlikely item to help solve this issue, but it’s been proven to work time and time again.
Cut an X in your tennis ball and insert the free end of a broomstick into it to turn your tennis ball into a scuff removing scrubber. All you need is your handy tennis ball–no cleaning products required

6. Rice helps to clean the inside of decorative jugs and carafes.


Decorative jugs and carafes can look great around your home, but they can be a pain to clean.
Often, they are narrower at the top than they are at the bottom, meaning that you can’t get your hand in to clean inside.
A great solution to this is to fill the jug or carafe with warm water, soap, and some uncooked rice.
Make sure to cover the top and give it a firm shake. The rice will effectively scrub the inside of the jug, ensuring the dirt or grime is removed.

7. Baking soda can be used as a mild abrasive to remove stubborn stains.

baking soda

Baking soda is one of the best tools you can use when cleaning your home, especially in your bathroom and kitchen where tough stains can often arise.
It can be used in multiple ways, including cleaning the inside of your fridge and shower head to removing rust from your household utensils. Simply sprinkle a light coating on your wet sponge and scrub for the best effect.
Your home will also benefit from smelling fresh after using baking soda as it neutralizes both ammonia and acidic odors.

8. Mayonnaise is great at removing crayon marks from walls and residue from labels.


Tired of crayon marks all over your walls? A handy way to remove them is by covering the affected area in a light coating of mayo.
The oils in the mayo break down the wax in the crayon. Leave it to soak for around 5–10minutes. When complete, wipe the surface with a damp cloth ensuring that all the mayonnaise has been removed.
Mayo is also great at removing sticky residue left behind from labels. Again, dab some on the area and leave for 5–10 minutes before wiping away.

9. Cola’s acidic properties can be used to remove toilet limescale.


Save money by avoiding expensive bowl cleaners and purchase a small can of cola for only 40p, which due to its mildly acidic properties is an ideal solution to battle stubborn toilet limescale.
Take a can of cola and pour into the toilet bowl, ensuring it flows over the stains. Allow 1–2 hours for the acids within the cola to take effect on the stains. Once that time has elapsed, flush as normal and the stains should be washed away, along with the cola.

10. Newspapers can serve as a window cleaner or pan de-greaser.


If you have some old newspapers laying around your home, it makes sense to put them to good use. They are perfect for cleaning windows as they’re cheap, disposable and recyclable.
Simply apply some white vinegar and water to them and clean. Newspapers are also great for removing grease, leftover food, and oil from your kitchen pans. Once the residue has been removed, make sure to rinse and finish with some soap and a sponge.
Studies have shown that people who clean their homes regularly are healthier, more physically and mentally active compared to those who do not. Find out how to get peace of mind by home cleaning.
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