
Six Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes To Avoid

Remodeling or renovating your bathroom is one of the best ways you can add value to your home. A newly remodeled bathroom may not top the list of the home improvements with the highest return on investments, but it’s one upgrade that brings a lot of joy to homeowners.

However, not all remodeling projects have happy endings. Many homeowners make mistakes and end up with not-so-satisfying results. Here are common bathroom remodeling mistakes to avoid.

1. Poor Ventilation

Ventilation is essential in every bathroom. The purpose of ventilation is not only to eliminate bad odor but also to ensure your bathroom is mold and mildew-free. Make sure your bathroom has a window about three square feet in size and opens to at least half square feet, which is what the law requires.

Whether you have an openable bathroom window or not, it’s best to have an exhaust fan for better ventilation, faster drying, and healthier indoor air quality.

2. Botchy Installation

There are some jobs you can DIY during your bathroom remodel, but installing permanent fixtures should not be one of them.

Botchy plumbing and electrical installations can result in huge problems in the future, costing you a lot of money to fix. Not to mention, these may cause life-threatening accidents.

Leave any plumbing and electrical installation to professionals. This includes adding lighting fixtures, configuring electrical wiring, and installing toilets, bathtubs, and sinks.

3. Going Too Trendy

Never go too trendy when choosing the design for your bathroom remodeling projects. Trends can come and go very quickly. If you follow them to the letter, your bathroom will get old pretty quickly.

A bathroom remodel can cost anywhere from thousands of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, so don’t be too hasty about following that trend. Instead, choose a design that won’t go out of style for the next few years.

If you still want to be in fashion, pick trendy features that won’t take a lot of time, money, and work to replace when it goes out of style.

4. Using the Wrong Materials

The quality and longevity of your bathroom will depend largely on the materials you use. When remodeling your bathroom, choose construction materials that can withstand prolonged exposure to water, heat, and humidity.

There are lots of cheaper alternatives that emulate the look of high-quality materials. However, you should research their suitability for use in the bathroom before you use them.

It may be cheaper to pay for alternative materials upfront, but using them will be more expensive for you in the long run.

Check out this guide for the best and worst materials for your bathroom remodel.

5. Not Considering the Environment

Perhaps the worst bathroom remodeling mistake any homeowner can commit is not considering the environment. With more and more places in the globe experiencing water shortages and crises, homeowners should be more proactive about conserving water in their households.

If you’re planning a bathroom remodel, consider switching out your standard showerheads and faucet with low-flow ones. Swap out your old toilet too for a newer, more efficient model that uses considerably less water.

In addition, opt for energy-saving bathroom appliances and LED lights to cut down on electricity use and cost.

6. A Successful Bathroom Remodel

A bathroom remodel can bring a lot of joy and satisfaction to homeowners. In fact, 75 percent of homeowners say they like staying at home more, and 65 percent report being happier in their homes after a bathroom remodeling project.

While a bathroom remodel may not recoup much of the money you invested in the projects, it brings homeowners a different and equally important value to the table. That is if they get it right.

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About the author

Tiffany Ara specializes in content management for Saniflo Depot. Their team is made up of experts in the industry. She enjoys writing content about lifestyle, home, family, and other relevant topics.



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