
Leaf Peeping – A New Thanksgiving Tradition

New stepparents are frequently challenged during the holiday season. In addition to trying to fit as comfortably as possible in your new family and establishing your role as a parental figure, you must also adjust to your new family’s holiday traditions. As a stepparent, you might also be confronted with the stress that comes with celebrating the holidays with children who may painfully miss the absent parent.

You can enjoy the holidays as the stepparent and not settle for being your stepfamily’s third wheel. Repeat contributing author Daniel Bernzweig provides several suggestions for outdoor activities a stepparent can lead their family in adopting and becoming new family traditions.

With Thanksgiving traditions on our minds, now is a great time to start a new outdoor tradition. As the seasons transition from Summer to Winter it’s a great Leaf peeping - New England Autumntime to get outdoors!

In many places, autumn is a beautiful time of year filled with special traditions like “leaf peeping” that can only be enjoyed during these few short weeks.  

Otherwise known as “heading to the country to look at the fall leaves” the term leaf peeping is somewhat new; but taking time out to enjoy the glory of the fall foliage is not. 

Each year, especially in New England, many people take at least a long weekend and travel somewhere “off the beaten path” to enjoy the fall colors and all the tasty fall foods that are only available this time of year.  

Leaf peeping - Daniel Bernzweig

Here, taking a break from his duties at to share a few ways you can get out and go leaf peeping is Massachusetts native Daniel Bernzweig.

My family and I have lived in New England since I was a kid and we make sure to set aside time every year to get outside and enjoy the remarkable beauty of autumn. A few of the things we do when we want to go out leaf peeping includes:

Hiking – Best Way To Go Leaf Peeping

Whether it’s a nature trail in your local park or a 10 mile hike to a mountain peak, getting out and walking in the woods is probably the best way to go leaf peeping.  

Be sure to do your research before you go hiking so you can find trails to accommodate everyone’s skill level so everyone can enjoy the complete natural experience a fall hike can provide.

Apple Picking

apple-picking-8There’s nothing like biting into a fresh, crisp fall apple.  In many places, you can visit a local farm and enjoy a lovely fall day in the country leaf peeping and picking apples.  

Frequently, there’s even hot apple cider to drink and, if you’re really lucky, scrumptious apple spice or pumpkin doughnuts involved.  I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!

Metal Detecting

Being metal detector enthusiasts we usually also spend some time outside during the fall enjoying our favorite hobby.  Autumn is the perfect time of year to be outside metal detecting because it’s cooler, there are fewer bugs, and of course, the majestic leaves.  

Not to mention it’s usually some of the last metal detecting we’ll do before the snow starts flying and we’re sidelined until spring.

Bike Riding

Another way many New Englanders like to go leaf peeping is by taking a bike ride down some picturesque country roads. The old carriage roads in AcadiaLeaf peeping - New England bike riding National Park are exceptional for this, but any reduced traffic roads where there are more trees than houses will do.  

Just be sure to stay safe, and talk to the locals.  They can usually recommend a bike route that’s pretty and has the least amount of traffic along it.

Fall passes quickly.  Wherever you are, be sure to get outside and enjoy it before it’s gone by scheduling your leaf peeping trip today.

Daniel Bernzweig manages in Southborough, MA. He’s written on the subject of treasure hunting and metal detecting since the mid 1980’s. He enjoys traveling with his metal detector and helping to educate others in the correct use of metal detectors in their explorations.

Find out what Daniel considers a gift for kids that relentlessly fun and deceptively educational by clicking here.

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