
How To Make Your Car Ready For A Long Trip

If you’re thinking about going on a road trip, then you may have some concerns about how to make your car ready for a long trip. You will have more concern if it’s an old vehicle or one with significantly high mileage.

However, you should rest assured this shouldn’t be an issue. A long drive is easier on your vehicle than the typical daily commute which involves a lot of frequent stopping and driving.

Despite this, if your car breaks down during a long road trip, this can more than put a damper on your vacation.

These are a couple of tips, checks, and preparations from the Houston DWI lawyer, on how to make your car ready for a long trip.

What You Should Do 2 – 4 Weeks Before The Road Trip

In the event your car needs serious repairs, this is the time to do them. Additionally, you should do any necessary major maintenance such as a scheduled service about a month before your trip.

This will ensure there is enough time remaining before your trip to fix whatever issues that may occur.

Next, you should look at your coolant. In the event your road trip will lead you to places where the climate is either hotter or cooler, then you should look at the coolant and its combination of water and antifreeze.

You should have the coolant changed asap if need be to ensure your vehicle is protected.

The tires should be next on your list. You should check to make sure your tires have the correct pressure since low pressure can cause a blowout if you drive fast due to heat buildup.

If you’re not sure how to check the pressure in your tires, you should consult your vehicle’s owners manual for details. Additionally, you should check the state of your tires and the treads.

To do so, place a penny in one of the treads or grooves of the tire with Lincoln’s head facing downwards. Checking the condition of your tire’s treads should also be done since this is what provides traction for your vehicle to keep it stable and on the road when rain is falling or the roads are wet.

In the event you have worn-out treads, you should replace your tires since worn out treads can lead to losing control over your vehicle. You should also check out your spare tire.

It should be properly inflated and you should have the right equipment in your trunk to change a tire if necessary. These include a wrench, jack, etc. You should also have an adapter specifically for lock nuts if your vehicle has wheel locks.

Next, check out your glove box and it’s contents. You should have items such as your proof of insurance, vehicle manual, registration, etc.

If you don’t have a manual for your car, then you should obtain one of these before you head off on the road trip. You can easily find this on your car manufacturer’s website in PDF format.

It can also be downloaded and printed out or saved on your smartphone or any device. You should also check your registration, insurance, and license to ensure its validity throughout your trip.

Be prepared for the worst and carry any paperwork you may need in the event your vehicle gets stolen.

What You Should Do 1 Week Before The Road Trip

To make your car is ready for the long ride, carry out any necessary maintenance before the road trip. For example, if you will need an oil change during the trip, make sure its done one week before your trip.

Check your tires again and ensure the pressure is the same as it was before. Next, you should thoroughly clean your vehicle and remove any items you won’t be needing on the trip.

The lighter your car, the less fuel you’ll burn. So, be sure to remove unnecessary items. For example, if you’re heading on a road trip to the Grand Canyon in August, then it’s safe to say you won’t need any snow chains or even extra pairs of sweaters you may have in your vehicle.

To keep it simple, if you’re unsure about whether you need something or not, remove it. Then, if you decide you need it days before the trip, you can put it back in your car.

The air filter is another item you should check. If you have a clogged or dirty air filter, then you won’t get the most out of your fuel.

You should change it at least a week before your trip if you need to. If you’re not sure when it’s due for a change, you can change it after every 10,000 miles.

If you don’t have a road atlas, then you should buy one asap. This will be very useful to help get you off the highways and expressways and onto a different more scenic path to your destination.

In the event you don’t have roadside assistance, then you should definitely join one before the road trip. If you have a new car, then you will probably still have this as part of your warranty.

For an older car, you should join a program so you get assistance in the event your car breaks down. These companies will render any assistance needed such as changing your tires, towing your car or jump-starting it. 

The cost of roadside assistance is well worth it and will pay for itself the moment you have any issue on the road plus it will give you peace of mind.

You should also take a survival kit with you and it should have a first aid kit. An extra mobile phone, tools, fire extinguisher, warning triangle, flashlights, rechargeable batteries are items you may need.

What To Do 1 Day Before Your Road Trip

Source: Pexels

You should get your car washed and vacuumed. This includes washing the windows so they have the best visibility for the trip. You should also check your wiper blades and if they are worn down or broken, you should replace them.

No one wants to be in a dirty vehicle on a long ride. More so, a clean one will make your road trip more enjoyable for everyone.

It is important to check your tires and pressure in them once again. If you’re making the road trip with your family or friends, then you should inflate your tires so they’re on a higher setting.

Be sure to check out your car’s manual for information on this. It is best to do this when your tires are cold.

You should then check your brake fluid, coolant, oil, clutch, power steering fluid as well as your windscreen water levels before you leave. This will ensure you don’t have to stop during a road trip to fix these issues. Also, you’ll need to fill up your gas tank.

On The Day Of The Road Trip

On this final day, ensure you’ve packed all the essentials and haven’t packed anything you don’t need.

It is best to load up your vehicle in a manner so the weight is well distributed. If you have to take any heavy items, make sure you put them forward inside of the trunk. Also, ensure the weight is equal on both sides.

Be sure you don’t make the mistake of overloading your car. With that said, once you’ve followed these tips to make your car ready for a long trip, you’ll enjoy a smooth journey.

Embarking on a family road trip is a great way to spend some quality time bonding and improving family relationships. So, relax and have a great road trip!

About the author

About the author

Jonathan Weyer is a car enthusiast. He has been fond of cars at a very young age. Every part fascinates him, from the seats to the engine, even the key design! In his free time, he makes sure to take his dog for a walk and play with him at a local park. Other than that, he writes a lot so he can share his passion with everyone.

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