
Where Does My Drinking Water Come From?

Have you ever considered the amount of water in the world and how there are still many people without access to clean water?

If you have, then you have probably wondered where does my drinking water come from?

This question is particularly relevant when you consider the Earth is 70% water but that 96% of the water on the Earth is contained in the oceans!

Understanding The Water Cycle

The usual starting point of the water cycle is the heat of the sun on the sea or another large body of water. Of course, this is a cycle so you can start anywhere.

The sun heats the top layer of water and causes it to evaporate. This water travels up into the atmosphere as a gas.

In the process of evaporation it leaves all minerals and other contaminants behind; becoming pure. When it hits cooler air, it condenses, forming clouds which drift along with the wind.

These clouds rise and fall with the different pressure systems and the weight of additional water. When the cloud is heavy enough, and the air has cooled enough the water is released as a liquid; in other words, it rains.

The rain will hit the ground and travel across the land, through rocks, and in the rivers until it reaches either lakes or the ocean. In the process of this travel, it will pick up debris, bacteria, and pollutants from human use of the land.

Water treatment centers at the edge of lakes and other large bodies of water will take this water and process it before sending it to your house.

Making Sure Your Water Is Clean

The water treatment center passes the water through filters to remove debris. It then adds chemicals to kill bacteria.

In many locations, it will also add fluoride as this has been shown to reduce the occurrence of cavities and tooth decay. The water is then tested to make sure it meets government standards and sent down the pipes to your home.

However, it’s possible for the water to become contaminated between the treatment center and your home. There are thousands of miles of pipes, the water board cannot monitor and check all of them.

Just one tiny hole in a pipe can introduce bacteria and other debris into the water supply; affecting everyone downline from that point.

A water test will help you to understand your water quality. However getting water filters in Sydney or elsewhere will make sure the water you’re drinking is safe.

Once you know where your water comes from and what happens to it, you’ll understand why this is so important.

It would help if you also were aware the water treatment center adds chlorine, fluoride and several other chemicals to the water. Although this is to help it be safe to drink there are questions regarding the side effects of exposure to these chemicals.

Having a filter will remove these chemicals and give you peace of mind.

About the author

About the author

Jesse Hughes carved out his niche in the interior design world with a dynamic, exuberant style, unfettered by fleeting trends and underpinned by unique creativity. Jesse broke the mold for high-end interiors, eschewing the ‘just finished’ look to embrace the layering of carefully sourced materials, one-off pieces and commissioned artworks with his client’s collection. This approach has brought a refreshing authenticity to his writing and built up an enviable word-of-mouth reputation for elegant and sophisticated design.

In this day and age, the 24-hour news cycle, grassroots community efforts, and government laws have put the environment front and center on the public consciousness. So, there’s never been a better time for you to teach your youngsters about things like conserving water.



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