
Why You Need A Long-Term Food Storage Supply

Long-term food storage isn’t something most families have in their homes. But it’s important.

Long-term food storage is really just a smart way to be prepared for emergencies – like insurance for groceries.

Dome Technology, professionals in industrial wheat storage, helped us in writing this article to share with you – to help you better understand food storage. We’ll even include some tips later.

Why is Food Storage Important?


Consider this scenario to help you paint a picture in your mind.

You’re a parent of three young children. You live paycheck to paycheck like most American working-class families.

You live a normal life, not overspending and maybe even saving a little money here and there when you can. Then one day, you get a call from your spouse, your family’s primary breadwinner. Your spouse will be laid off due to another round of budget cuts at work.

This is a real event that happens to many families every year. Many of you might have even been in this situation.

Food is our life source and is necessary to keep us moving along from day to day. If you have a good supply of long-term food storage – you just cut the stress of this situation in half.

You won’t have to worry about not being able to feed your family because you’ll be prepared for such a situation as this one. Another instance would be in a natural disaster or severe storm when public entities like grocery stores shut down.

On a less serious note, keeping a food storage supply is convenient in case you ever run out of something you need and don’t want to run to the grocery store.

A good recommendation is to keep a year’s supply of food in your food storage at all times.

Some Tips

Starting a long-term food storage supply doesn’t have to be difficult. If you have the means to get a few months or even an entire year’s supply of food, that’s great. But many of us don’t, and it’s good to just start little by little.

  • One Week at A Time. Each week when you go grocery shopping, pick up an item or two to add to your food storage supply. Or save a little money each paycheck to go towards a food storage shopping trip.
  • Can your Own Food.  If you have a garden in the summer or go to the farmer’s markets to get produce in bulk, take this opportunity to can any extra food you have and add it to your food storage.

Here’s a list of items that are great to start your food storage (and many of them can last up to 30 years!):

  • Wheat
  • White rice
  • Corn
  • Sugar
  • Pinto beans
  • Rolled oats
  • Pasta
  • Potato flakes
  • Non-fat powdered milk
  • Salt
  • Dried meat (jerky)

These next few items only last a few years, but are still good to add to your supply:

  • Canned meats, like tuna and chicken
  • Cooking oil
  • Canned fruits, vegetables and soups

Don’t wait to get started. Start preparing you and your family now.

About the author

About the author

Kaili is the Content Lead at Manwaring Web Solutions, a web design company in Idaho Falls. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, with an emphasis in News and Journalism. Before her current job, she worked as a freelance writer and copy editor.




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