
Five Things A Therapist Will Recommend To Improve Mental Health

You probably have noticed the increase in mental related illnesses in recent times. One of the effects of the pandemic includes anxiety and depression due to primary and secondary factors.

Mental health is as important as physical health and is the start point of our general wellbeing. Consequently, taking care of your mental health must be a top priority.

Seeking professional help can give you some clarity about your emotions, build your self-confidence and reduce anxiety. A professional therapist will also help you develop the right coping mechanisms.

Find out five things a therapist will recommend to improve your mental health.

Create a Connection With Family

A qualified therapist will outline the importance of a support system for emotional stability. The pandemic has brought with it more bad than good news leaving many in a depressed state.

Finding a support system to get you through tough times is vital. Studies indicate time spent with loved ones can lighten the mood and usher in a positive mindset.

You can organize family dinners, movie nights, or just a quiet night in your backyard talking about the good old days while enjoying some barbecue.

Life is filled with uncertainties and circumstances beyond our control. It helps to have a positive outlook on life, and you can do so when you’re surrounded by love and hope.

Maintain Your Routine

Therapy sessions will ensure you put your thoughts and feelings into perspective. One way you can gain control of your life is by maintaining a routine, especially during the pandemic.

Understandably, the stress level is at an all-time high due to the pandemic, its effect, and the fear of contracting the virus.

Therapy will help you maintain an existing routine or create new ones. While at it, make sure to include a time to go for a walk, exercise, and eat healthily.

While trying to find a balance, set a specific time to work and rest. A routine will help you feel more in control of your life.

Therapy Will Help You Stay Active

Regardless of the lockdown and closure of gyms, you can still remain physically active. Your therapist will emphasize the importance of physical activity to mental health.

You may be limited to indoor activities only. Yet, workouts like cardio, HIIT, yoga, stretching can be done within the convenience of your home or backyard.

Walking, jogging and cycling are also effective ways to improve your mood and boost endorphins.

Get Help While Protecting Your Identity

If you’re struggling with your mental health, you’re not alone. However, if you want to get help while protecting your identity, your therapist can make this happen.

You may decide to opt for online therapy and enjoy your privacy. Some other benefits include;

  • Online therapy provides easy access to help. If your community is affected by the lockdown, you can get help from the comfort of your home.
  • Another benefit of online therapy includes the flexibility of your therapy schedule. This makes it more convenient.
  • Several sources also claim online therapy is relatively cheaper than traditional therapy.

If you don’t feel comfortable disclosing your identity while sharing personal information, then online therapy is the right fit for you.

Things a therapist will recommend to improve mental health-A young lady knitting

Find a Hobby

A great way to improve your mental health or destress is to find a distraction.  And a good therapist will surely nudge you in this direction. Getting a hobby is a positive way to keep busy.

If you’re self-isolating, a new skill or hobby can give you purpose or brighten your day. It can be anything from learning how to play an instrument to baking or knitting. Or even something as simple as playing solitaire online. 

Ultimately, you should focus on yourself and spend time doing something you put off in the past.

Finally, seeking professional help to deal with the pandemic is a step in the right direction. While seeking professional help, consider the results you desire and go for a therapist who can meet your needs.

Remember, there’s no shame in getting diagnosed with a mental illness. Your focus and priority should be on getting better. Here’re some tips for remaining hopeful during the pandemic. 

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married into a blended family, becoming the stepdad to his wife’s two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and the women who love them. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Twitter and Facebook.


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  1. People often underestimate the importance of having a hobby. Not only is it extremely helpful for your mental health, but it can also strengthen your brain and reduce your risks of developing dementia. Really great tips in this article!

  2. such a awesome blog describing each and every aspect of he mental health beautifully , Makin all of us aware regarding such a crucial thing . so in my blog i will discusing the importance of mental health in pregnancy.

    1. Hi Swati,
      Thank you for your comment and for creating awareness on the importance of mental health in pregnancy.

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