
Six Questions To Help You Choose The Best College

Although having a Bachelor or Associates or higher degree is not for everybody, there are certain fields and professions that will require a degree. 

Once you have decided what kind of work you want to do, you will know what kind of continuing education is right for you. The increased pay potential should be carefully balanced against the increased cost and possible debt that taking college courses will incur.

Now you know you want to attend college, where should you go? There are thousands of schools out there and it can be overwhelming to try and comb through all the pros and cons.

Here are a few questions to help you choose the best college.

1. What Classes and Majors do they offer?

The very first question you need to ask is, “Which schools offer the majors and classes I am interested in?” If a university doesn’t have your field, all of the other perks won’t matter.

Consider searching for universities specialized in your area or schools near you that offer your major. Reading reviews from people in your field about which colleges they attended.

Also asking family members and friends about their experiences at different colleges and universities can also give you an idea of where to start looking.

2. How much does it Cost?

To know if the cost of the degree is reasonable for you, you will need to know

  • How much you can make in that field without a degree?
  • How much more will you make with a degree?
  • What will the total cost of the degree be?
  • How much money can you spend out of pocket?
  • How much, if any, financial aid can you get?
  • If you get student loans, what will your payment be?

Keep in mind, a college degree will cost you more than just tuition. You will also have books and supplies to buy. You also need to consider whether you will be able to work while studying and whether or not you will have to relocate.

If you choose a college or university you can’t commute to, take into consideration the cost of living in that city. What is the cost of living there?

Are there affordable student housing options? Is there public transportation? All of these factors contribute to how expensive your degree will be.

3. How many Students return after their First Year?

One of the most important questions that will help you choose the best college is the number of students who return after the first semester.

This will give you an idea of how attainable an education is at that particular school. If they have lots of freshmen but those students all transfer after their first year, it may mean their classes are too hard or that they don’t have enough supports in place, such as:

  • Tutoring
  • Math or writing labs
  • Office hours with the professors

4. What Kind of Students go there?

Find out what kind of activities and clubs are available. Do they have political clubs, sports teams or intramural sports, parties, or service groups?

Knowing about the types of extracurricular clubs and activities they offer can give you an idea of the type of people attending the school. Do they have the kind of clubs and activities you would want to join? Are they the kind of people you want to be around every day?

5. Can you see Yourself there?

If everything looks good on paper, it is time to get out there and schedule a tour. When you visit a campus in person, you can get a different feel of the place than from a brochure or a phone call.

Take a tour, wander around, talk to current students and professors and decide if it is somewhere you see yourself feeling at home in.

6. How Safe is it?

One more consideration is safety. Visiting the campus is a good time to check out how safe the area is. Other questions you might ask are:

  • What is the crime rate?
  • How is the lighting at night?
  • Are the parking-lots far away from the classes?
  • Is there transportation available?
  • How far away from campus is the housing?

Answering each of these questions to help you choose the best college on your list should give you a good idea of what they have to offer and if it’s what you want. Then you can get to the real work of getting your degree.

Most parents want their kids to attend college to have more opportunities in life. You can help your child prepare for college with these few important steps.

About the author

About the author

Kimi Christensen is a homeschooling mother of four. She enjoys reading, music, knitting and traveling with her family in their converted school bus.



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