
How to Best Care for Your Elderly Loved Ones

Watching a loved one grow older can be emotionally trying. You may see your dear one experience gradual or even sudden changes in their abilities and physical health.

Many elderly persons prefer to live at home for as long as possible. However, they may not be able to care for themselves adequately.

To care for an elderly loved one as well as possible, walk through these essential steps.

Assess Current Needs

Each older adult has current abilities. Also, each one may struggle to complete some daily tasks on their own.

You must spend an extended period observing how this person handles daily tasks on their own. Additionally, you should identify which tasks this person has entirely given up on.

This could be housecleaning tasks, yard chores or something else.

Consider Your Loved One’s Budget

If you determined your loved one needs specialized help with any specific tasks or chores, you must discover if they have the money available to pay for the required support. Remember some caregivers from organizations like United Nursing Services may be hired to visit the home for

  • Only a few hours each week,
  • Spending long hours with your loved one or
  • Provide around-the-clock care.

Keep in mind you and other relatives may also be able to help in different ways to decrease the need for paid help.

Explore Feasible Options

You are now ready to explore options available to get your loved one the help he or she needs. Some people may find eldercare services are necessary.

However, you may also hire third-party assistance, such as a grocery delivery service or a housekeeper, to visit the home as needed. These options may be more affordable in some cases than paying for hours of eldercare services each week.

Re-Assess Needs and Abilities Regularly

The elderly may remain in excellent health for many years. In some cases, they will decline in abilities and health rather quickly. To make sure your elderly loved one has adequate care available for their needs regularly, you must re-assess your loved one’s needs on a regular basis.

Every month or two, make plans to observe them over the course of a day or two. Then, walk through these steps for the best results.

You understandably want your aging loved one to be well-cared for and comfortable on a daily basis. However, you shouldn’t assume they have specific needs without first assessing them in action on a regular basis.

By doing so, you can then set up the care they need that’s affordable for the funds available.

About the author

About the author

Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She also enjoys being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise as well as researching new topics to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure.

As an adult child of aging parents, you never want to have to decide to place them in a nursing facility. The impact of a parent losing the ability to function on a regular day-to-day basis can devastate both you and your parent.

Be on the lookout for these signs appearing several months before a choice has to be made.

Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo

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