Unfortunately, bullying is a problem many children will face at some point. Bullying is more of a problem than you might have realized, so it is important to be aware of the signs.
Bullying can mean a number of different things and the seriousness can vary a lot too. In many cases bullying is not serious, but any level of bullying can have a detrimental impact and the impacts depend on things like:
- Length of time it occurs for
- Whether the bullying is verbal or physical
- Whether it occurs at school or elsewhere
- Your child’s own self-confidence
- Other things like home-life
Why Do Bullies Bully?
It is easy to despise all bullies, particularly when they are upsetting your own children, but a part of the problem lies in understanding why they start bullying in the first place. Remember that bullies are children themselves and their bullying may be the result of personal problems which they are not sure how to solve.
Bullying can be a way of getting attention which may be a result of insecurity
Often, bullies come from households where there are a lot of arguments and shouting. As a result, they learn that behavior as if it were normal. They don’t necessarily understand their actions are upsetting others.
How To Prevent Bullying
Bullies tend to target those of their classmates who are the easiest victims, since what bullies don’t want is someone who will stand up for themselves. Children who are outwardly more confident are much less likely to become victims of bullying.
Trying to instil confidence in your children from an early age will go a long way, but if you need more immediate help, here are a few other ways to prevent bullying:
On The Way To School
Most cases of bullying happen either at school or on the way to school. If your children are being bullied by someone whose path they cross en route to school, simply finding a different route to school can be enough to solve the problem. Alternatively, see if they can walk to school with a group of friends.
Just Ignore Them
Bullying someone who takes no notice is no fun. Completely blanking a bully may not be totally effective, but if your child can acknowledge a bully whilst making it clear they are not fazed by his/her taunts (even if they actually are) the bully will soon lose interest.
Fighting Back
Actually starting a fight isn’t a good idea, but if your child can stand up to the bully and not show any fear the bully may be deterred.
Looking Out For Friends
Being part of a group of friends is a powerful way to deter bullies. You should tell your children to stand up for themselves and their friends and hopefully they will then build friendship groups who mutually stand up for one another.
What Happens To Bullies?
The sad thing is that most bullies, if they don’t find a way to solve their own problems can lead troubled lives in the future too. In many cases a bully will eventually grow out of bullying and mature, but those who don’t will eventually lose their friends and may even become the ones who get bullied.
If you can help your children to understand why bullies are how they are it may help them to empathise and even feel sorry for their bullies and that can help a lot in giving them the confidence to stand up to them.
About The Author
This post was contributed by James and the team at UK Tutors (visit their website) who help parents to find the right tutor for their children.
Do you agree with taking a different route to school to avoid running into a bully? Could the bully interpret that as weakness and vulnerability? Can a child safely ignore a bully? Please leave your answers in the Comments below.