FamilyHow to Be a Good Stepdad

The Battle Against Your Child’s Technology Habits

Your children are the people whom you love unconditionally. Whether they are biologically yours or not, the kids you’re helping to raise mean the world to you. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have a particular set of habits you find irritating.

Being a step-father presents several challenges, especially when it comes to your step-children’s use of technology. This generation has grown up in a world inundated with screens and has become dependent on electronics. When your step-kids have their phones glued to their hands at all times, it can start to grate on your nerves.

There’s a delicate balance to being a step-parent, but when you have your kid’s best interest at heart, you know you have to do what’s best for them. If you want to start battling against their technology habits, consider leading by example.

You can do this by having set times at home where no one uses electronics. Unplugging from technology, even for a few hours a day, can seriously improve both your physical and mental health. Use this time to take a walk, start reading, or engage in quality family conversation.

In addition to having a few hours a day blocked off to put down the tech, you should also work to unplug your kid’s bedrooms. For your children to be successful, they need to be well-rested. Getting a good night’s sleep helps to boost their immune system, develop their brain, and help rejuvenate their mind and body.

Using any form of electronics before going to bed will hinder the quality of sleep your children are getting. Try to discourage them from using their phones for a few hours before bed. This is a hard habit to break for anyone, especially kids.

One solution is to set up a charging station far from their beds. This way, they won’t be tempted to lay in bed and scroll through social media. Plus, this is a helpful way for them not to fall back asleep when their alarm goes off in the morning since they’ll have to physically get out of bed to get to their phone and turn it off.

You also want to make sure their bedrooms are conducive to them getting a good night’s sleep. So, while it might seem like a good idea to put a television in their room, try to avoid it.

Also, be sure to check their beds. One of the most common problems for lack of quality sleep is not having a good enough mattress. If your step-kids are complaining about being uncomfortable, or are having trouble falling asleep constantly, replace their twin mattress with a new, inexpensive, yet, quality bed. 

When going head-to-head with technology, it’s going to be a long and hard battle. There is no overnight solution. Changing your family’s technology habits will take time and dedication. So don’t give up.

Start small, with no phones at the dinner table rule. From there, you can expand to everyone spending a couple of hours of doing something without technology. You’ll all be thankful for that time, eventually, as you embrace a new hobby or learn something new. Then you can work on unplugging bedrooms since that’ll likely be the most significant adjustment.

This battle will be difficult, and it will require change by all family members. Just keep in mind, your family’s physical and mental well being is your priority, and using less technology will only help improve all of your lives. Here are five healthy parental goals for every dad.

About the author

About the author

Natasha Ballard lives in Austin, Texas, with her family. She spends her time writing food-related articles and taking care of her kids Loreen and Ted, aged 14 and 11. She also enjoys cooking and sharing her favorite recipes through her writing.


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