
Five Phrases that Encourage our Teenagers

Everyone knows talking to a teenager in today’s world is no easy task. We have no idea whether they understand what we’re saying. We don’t know if they truly believe the advice we’re giving them.

Trying to get into the mind and heart of a teenager is no easy task but there are some things we can say to help grow in our understanding and relationship of teenagers.

1. “I Believe In You”

This phrase was a vital phrase in my upbringing and is a spectacular phrase to say to your teen. This communicates you are confident in your teen. This phrase communicates you know they can accomplish or achieve what you expect them to.


This phrase communicates a trust that helps them feel more adult-like which is what they crave for to begin with. This phrase also brings out the best within teenagers. A teenager you say this to will take it and run with it. They will begin to believe in the capabilities within themselves because they know someone who cares about them sees those capabilities.

2.“You are better than this”

This phrase is an interesting one because it acknowledges the fact what they are doing in the moment may be dumb or wrong but you still see the best within them. This phrase makes no secret they are imperfect in the moment but this phrase calls the best out of the teenager. Teenagers love a call to action and this phrase infers a call to better behavior or attitudes.



This word is a fantastic word to implement. We live in a day and age where many parents are so focused on being so cool and accepted that they won’t call out their teens when they are wrong.

Phrase - Just Say No

This is a travesty and will hurt the teenager in the long run. In the word “no” you are letting them know they aren’t always right and their way isn’t the only way. This word also implies you love them enough to correct them when they are in error.

4.“Don’t quit”

This phrase lets them know that when things get tough they can persevere. It’s no secret life is tough and their endurance will be tested. Being able to encourage our teens to fight the fight and hang in there until the end is a valuable lesson to be learned especially within the context of relationships.

5.“Because I want you to be safe”

Teenagers won’t always understand why we do what we do for them. This phrase lets them know that we have their well being in mind at all times. One of the things that my husband and I bought was a Smith Home Security system.

One of the Smith security features is an ability to monitor the household from a mobile device. With this in the back of their minds our teens know that safety is a huge concern for us.

About The Author: 

Katie Melendez is a writer for Smith Monitoring. Katie is also a wife, youth mentor, and a health nut. Follow her blogs for all current trends on home, health, and family.

Do you have favorite phrases you like to use?  Please share them in the Comments.  Thank you.

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