FamilyHow to Be a Good Stepdad

Four Fun Outdoor Things To Do On Weekends

No matter the time of the year, you can always find fun outdoor things to do on weekends. The fresh air and feelings of nature can promote health benefits and leave you feeling re-energized and refreshed. 

It’s about more than a big dose of Vitamin D; spending time outside can reduce stress and increase dopamine levels. Here are four fun outdoor things to do on the weekend. 

Photograph Wildlife

You don’t have to have an expensive camera to spend time photographing wildlife. Just take a stroll and snap pictures of the animals you see with your smartphone. 

Fun Outdoor Things To Do On The Weekend - Young woman taking selfie with deer

If you wander through the trees or along the path with a friend, make it a contest to see who can get photos of the largest variety of birds and animals.

Game of Golf

Golf is a game that lets you spend time wandering leisurely around the outdoors with friends. Not only can you find yourself de-stressing, but you can get tips about improving your game. 

Fun Outdoor Things To Do On The Weekend - Friends Enjoying a Game of Mini Golf

If you can’t go out because the weather is too cold, wet, or hot, stay up on your game with the best indoor golf simulator on the market. Either way, the exercise will keep you active.

Hike a Trail

Fun Outdoor Things To Do On The Weekend - Blended family out on a hike

No matter where you live, there are probably designated trails you can hike close to where you are. Take the opportunity to slip on your hiking shoes, don your favorite hat, and slip on a backpack of your favorite items – then hit the trail. 

Walking in nature benefits your heart, soul, and emotional well-being. If your hike is steep, don’t forget to take a walking stick to help you climb!

Picnic Outdoors

Have you ever had an autumn picnic when the wind gusted and tried to blow your lunch away? Have you settled on a bench to eat under an awning when the pouring rain is coming down, but the gusts made the water drench your table?

If you have, you can probably still laugh about the moments as the memories come flooding back. Make more memories by having more picnics outdoors with friends – no matter the weather.

If the weather is bad, use the best indoor golf simulator to get exercise, otherwise, spend your weekends outside. Spending time and doing fun outdoor things on the weekend can have many positive health-related benefits, but it can do more than that. 

You may find yourself mesmerized by the picturesque and awe-inspiring views that nature has to offer. Re-energize your soul by spending weekends outdoors – you won’t regret it.

If you’re a golfer, tell me if this doesn’t sound familiar, even if you’re highly experienced. You arrive on the tee in good spirits only to begin shanking tees, duffing pitches, and then completing some humiliating three-putts.

The following are a few rudimentary pointers for getting off to a good start on the course. It is highly beneficial for those who struggle with gathering that essential momentum that comes from beginning well.

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married his now ex-wife, becoming the stepdad to her two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and the women who love them worldwide. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Twitter and Facebook.

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