FamilyHow to Be a Good Stepdad

Eight Ways Busy Dads Can Unwind

Being a dad and balancing your work-life and family needs is not easy. It is essential to make time for everything. Looking after the house, going to your job, and spending time with your kids and wife can be tasking if you do not leave time for yourself.

We only have 24 hours in a day, so we need to manage our time efficiently and find ways that will help us wind down within a short time. We have a few lifestyle changes and habits in mind that you should incorporate into your life. This will help you wind down from time to time when things get too stressful.

It will also enable you to cope with hectic schedules now and then. We have talked to a couple of psychologists and healers to bring you useful ways busy dads can unwind.

1. Schedule Technology-free Time

It’s often tempting to browse social media before bed. But using your phone or laptop close to your eyes shortly before sleep can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Some devices come with the option to control blue light or even adjust the settings remotely.

This way, you can activate or deactivate your screen’s brightness. Any bright light signals to your brain that it’s time to be awake, so try limiting screen use at least 30 minutes before sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends cutting out screen time at least 30 minutes before bed.

2. Separate Work from Bed

It can be challenging for anyone who works from home or is just generally trying to create a productive workflow to find a balance between work and life. With technology so accessible and pervasive, everything is constantly popping up as a potential distraction.

To ensure you’re not disturbed during dinner hours, set your email to “do not disturb” for the hours you want. We also encourage editing your notifications to be more pleasant when you check them later.

3. Read a Book

One of the best ways busy dads can unwind is by reading any book. Whether it’s a paper version or a digital one – it can help you relax. Studies have shown that just six minutes of reading can reduce stress by 68%. Reading is also an opportunity to travel the world and escape.

4. Listen to Music

Music is also a great way to wind down and destress. Having it playing in the background can reduce your overall stress, even if you’re listening while working.

While classical music has proven to lower blood pressure, the type of music you listen to might depend on your mood. Try listening to something like rock or pop if that’s not your vibe.

5. Try Stretching or Light Yoga

Stretching and flexing your muscles can help to relax them and relieve some tension after a long day. Some other activities, like meditating through yoga, can significantly benefit sleep quality, quality of life, and even depression. You can even turn this into a family activity and practice yoga with your children and wife.

6. Use CBD to Help you Relax

CBD is an excellent way of releasing stress and anxiety. It has also proven beneficial in dealing with depression, pain, and even a lack of sleep. CBD is available in the market in many forms due to the numerous researches that have shown its efficacy in dealing with these ailments.

You can have your pick from highly reviewed CBD gummies, tinctures, oils, and much more. It is important to get it from a trustworthy source to get the right ingredients.

7. Clean Before Bedtime

It can be very soothing before bed to have a quick tidy, so it may take some pressure off by organizing and prepping beforehand. It’s always a good idea to set the stage for bedtime, so you might want to put away the dishes and gather up your phone & keys, and wallet now – it will help you unwind when bedtime arrives.

8. Try a Guided Meditation

I know it’s hard to make yourself sit down and meditate. But many people are doing it, and they see the benefits themselves. You’ll feel much better if you give it a shot.

To help, try using meditation apps like Headspace. They recommend doing it in the morning, but nighttime meditations are also popular. Experts say that by deep breathing, you can connect to your body and help to relax.

Now you know the best ways busy dads can unwind, It’s important to relax and prioritize your health. Being busy does not mean that you can not take time for yourself.

About the author

About the author

Natasha Ballard lives in Austin, Texas, with her family. She spends her time writing food-related articles and taking care of her kids Loreen and Ted, aged 14 and 11. She also enjoys cooking and sharing her favorite recipes through her writing.

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