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Six Things To Do For Your Valentine Besides Chocolate And Flowers

Unfortunately, a lot of pressure is put on couples to ensure Valentine’s Day is extra special every year. It can be difficult with a busy life to plan something amazing for the middle of the week simply because it’s February 14th.

Here are a few ideas if you’re grasping at straws for ways to make this Valentine’s Day unique.        

Set Up a Romantic Dinner

You don’t necessarily need to plan an elaborate, expensive dinner at a fancy restaurant. Chances are the restaurant will be packed, and the entire experience will be more stressful than romantic.

Instead, take her on a picnic or get your kids to help you set up a nice dinner at the nearby park. She’ll love getting to spend that one-on-one time with you.

Take Her Dancing

There are plenty of dancing options, but try to avoid the club. Take her somewhere where you get to hold her in your arms while swaying to live music.

If you do a quick search in your area, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a place that plays live jazz or swing music. This is also a fun and unique way to get out and have fun together.

If you don’t know how to dance, you can do one of two things. You could find a class in the area that can teach the two of you a few moves before you head over to the dance hall. Alternatively, find a Youtube video that gives you a quick rundown of the basics.

Get her Jewelry Fixed or Cleaned

Instead of getting your love a new piece of jewelry, consider fixing her damaged jewelry. Did the chain on her grandmother’s necklace break?

Get it replaced. Is there a prong bent out of place on the ring you gave her a few years ago? Take it in and get it realigned.

If she doesn’t have any broken jewelry, then take her wedding ring to be cleaned so it will sparkle like the day you gave it to her. She will appreciate the thoughtful gesture, and it will mean more than a box of chocolates.

Try an At-Home Spa Day

Don’t just pamper her but join her in the spa activities. Get masks for the two of you to wear.

A yummy-smelling bath bomb or bath salts would be a lovely plus, and then end it with massages. The two of you can trade off massaging the other.

This is a great chance to relax and be with the one you love in a non-stressful environment.

Take a Class Together

If you want to get out of the house together but don’t feel like going to dinner, sign up for a class. This could be a baking, dance, or even a yoga class.

Whatever sounds like it would be fun for you and your Valentine.

Write Her a Letter

Sometimes money is tight, or schedules are super busy. That doesn’t mean you can’t still have a lovely Valentine’s Day. Take the time to sit down and write her a letter.

You can talk about what you love about her or your hopes and dreams for your relationship together. This is a personal and thoughtful note from you that she’ll cherish.

Valentine’s Day isn’t supposed to be a stressful day. Advertising tries to make you feel like you are failing as a couple if you don’t buy each other pricy gifts. However, what is most important is that you spend time together, enjoying one another’s company and adding kindling to your fire of love. 

Need more ideas? Get affordable valentine’s day date night ideas sure to wow your partner.

About the author

About the author

Mignonne Slaugh is a senior at BYU-Idaho studying communications. She has a passion for people and loves writing their stories. She usually spends time outside with her one-year-old son and husband when she isn’t writing.




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