
Five Ways To Get Over Fear Of The Dentist

Seeing your dentist at least once a year is pretty important. It’s also pretty hard when the thought of doing that scares you.

It’s time for your yearly dental visit and cleaning. For most, it would just be time to head to the dentist like everything is totally normal.

But according to Web MD, for five to eight percent of Americans, this actually isn’t the case.

And actually, up to 20% of people have high anxiety when it comes to the dentist, which means they only want to go when they absolutely have to.

The problem with that is it’s usually when something was preventable or easily taken care of and now really bad, which isn’t good when it comes to your mouth and teeth.

For most, the idea of someone inside your mouth while you can’t move and perhaps feel pain isn’t an ideal situation at all.

So what can you do to help ease those nerves and have your teeth get the care they need?

Here are five ways to help ease some of those fears and encourage you to get to the dentist yearly.

1. Make a Call

It’s lucky that nowadays many dentists are sensitive to the fact that many of their patients are uneasy about the fact that they have to visit them, and for some of those patients that uneasiness is actually flat-out fear.

All it takes is a call to your dentist office to inform them of your anxiety. Most will work with you to find a way to ease those fears.

For example, a Sun City West Dentist, says right on their website they’ll listen to any patient needs and find a way to match it up with gentle dental care.

2. Meet in their Office

Another way to feel more comfortable with your dentist and what is going on when you have to visit to meet with your dentist in their office. During your visit  discuss in detail the dental care you’ll receive.

For some, the anxiety comes from not knowing what is going to happen in their mouth and feeling vulnerable and out of control.

Sitting down and having a discussion with your dentist and having them outline every step of your procedure could familiarize you more with the process and hopefully alleviate some of your anxiety.

3. Bring a Friend

Sometimes all it takes is a friendly presence or hand to hold to get you through something frightening.

Ask a friend to come with you to your checkup or procedure, especially someone who maybe doesn’t deal with the same fear of the dentist as you. Ask them to reassure you and talk to you when you are in the chair.

The distraction might make everything you have to do seem a lot easier and not as frightening.

4. Ask for a Break

If you have a discussion with your dentist beforehand and outline your fears to them it also may be a good idea to discuss possible breaks in procedures to sort of take a time out and relax so as not to let the anxiety and fear get too high.

When and if you need that break just make sure to ask for it, maybe come up with a signal for your dentist so they know as soon as you do it to take a step back and let you have that breather.

5. Try a Sedative

If all else fails, it might be worth it to discuss with your dentist some sedation options.

Make sure your dentist is qualified and willing to be able to perform sedation, and what types are safe for certain procedures.

Don’t let fear of the dentist stop you from taking care of your teeth. Keep a lookout for anxiety friendly offices like the Sun City West Dentist, and ones who are willing to see you as a person and a patient and not just another mouth to fill, no pun intended.

About the author

About the author

Tamsyn Valentine is a freelance content writer and creator, wife and mom of two. She has a Bachelor’s degree in communication, with an emphasis in public relations and advertising.

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