
Protecting You And Your Family In Extreme Heat

With the ever-changing climate, the United States is seeing one of the hottest summers in history; nearly every major climate-tracking organization proclaimed June 2023 the hottest June ever.

This heat wave is not only negatively affecting Americans; Mexico and Canada are also experiencing the impacts of heat, as well as parts of Asia and Europe.

Unfortunately, the extreme summer heat can affect more than one’s mood; it can be deadly. Many people are unaware of this, but heat kills more Americans than any other weather occurrence.

Usually, people’s bodies can keep cool through the process of sweating. Still, extreme heat can interrupt that process, leading to rapid dehydration and negatively impacting multiple organs. 

Who knew that heat would be such a severe issue? As a parent, this is worrisome, especially for those who live in places that already experience hot summers like Phoenix, Arizona, or Tampa, Florida. 

But what can you do to protect yourself and your family in extreme heat? Here are six breezy tips for keeping you and your family cool throughout the rest of the summer!

Six Tips to Keep Your Family Cool in Extreme Heat

1. Stay Hydrated

Sure, you may think to yourself, “Stay hydrated? I already drink plenty of water!” But staying hydrated is exponentially more critical now than ever before. Much of your body’s water is lost through sweating, so hydrating regulates your body’s temperature and even supports a better mood.  

Sisters providing water for thirsty dog

With that being said, little ones will only sometimes be conscious of this, so when spending time with your kids, be sure to pack them their water bottles and take frequent breaks to hydrate! This will protect them from the heat and may stop them from becoming cranky on the car ride home!

2. Dress for the Heat

This may seem obvious on the surface, but experts have expressed that some fabrics are better suited for extreme heat than others, and this information can help you and your family make conscious decisions when purchasing your new summer wardrobe. 

In terms of color, it may be best to stick with lighter shades, as dark colors absorb light from the sun. Experts also suggest materials like artificial nylon because they will not absorb your sweat as you move throughout the day.

Additionally, fabric textures and thicknesses are something else to consider when purchasing clothes for this season or just getting dressed in the morning.

Consider investing in helpful cool-down pieces like neck gaiters, etc. If you can keep your head and feet cool, the rest of your body temperature will be less likely to overheat. Pack fans, spray water bottles, etc., to keep your kids’ heads cool. 

3. Stay Shady

Just like taking water breaks, taking shade breaks is also essential when you’re out and about; standing out in the sun all day can affect your ability to function and even cause you to become lightheaded or pass out. Walking underneath trees and going where it’s air-conditioned whenever possible is the best course of action during times like these!

4. Plan a Trip to the Pool!

There are many benefits of playing in the water for kids, and this may also be an excellent way for your family to get out of the house while staying calm and active at the same time! Take a break, get a popsicle from the concession stand, and let your little ones swim their hearts out for a couple of hours! Just because the summer’s heating up does not mean the fun has to stop!

5. Plan Fun Indoor Activities

Fun in the sun is a childhood staple, but staying safe always comes first. Spending more time indoors is one of the best ways to protect you and your family from the heat!

But don’t fret; indoor activities can be just as fun and active as outdoor activities! Plan an indoor family scavenger hunt, play hide and seek, or have a family game night; there are many things you can do, but you have to get creative with it!  

6. Keep Up with the Local News

Last but not least, stay updated on what’s going on with the weather! We are already nearing the end of the summer, so maybe fun in the sun can return sooner than we think. Watching the local news, listening to the radio, or even checking the weather app on your phone is a great way to keep up with the weather!

The heat can be brutal, but with the right strategies and a can-do attitude, you can make this a summer to remember for your family while protecting them from the extreme heat outside. Stay hydrated, folks!

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married his now ex-wife, becoming the stepdad to her two children. He started Support for Stepfathers 2011 to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and the women who love them worldwide. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Twitter and Facebook.

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