
Four Maintenance Tips For Roadworthy Rides

Obeying traffic rules isn’t the only requirement for safe driving. You must also ensure your vehicle is roadworthy to prevent breakdowns and other mishaps.

Even top-of-the-line models aren’t immune to wear and tear. You can improve your vehicle’s performance and extend its service life by conducting these essential maintenance tips for roadworthy rides.

Periodic inspections allow you to examine your vehicle thoroughly. Indeed, it will let you spot early signs of damage and prevent them from worsening. It also allows you to replace any malfunctioning part with a reliable upgrade from a trusted car parts seller in New Zealand

Of course, you must conduct the inspection thoroughly and adequately to know exactly what state your vehicle is in. Here’s how:

Take Care of the Engine

The engine is often considered the heart of your vehicle. Without it, you won’t even be able to start your car and drive it out of your garage. Therefore, your vehicle’s engine has to stay in tip-top condition to allow you to enjoy your drive.

Should the engine experience any problems, your vehicle’s performance will be affected. Engine problems, such as a corroded battery, low coolant levels, and fouled spark plugs, can sap your vehicle’s power and make your drives more stressful.

These problems can lead to expensive repairs and unsafe drives if checked. To make sure that you’re able to identify and address the early signs of damage during an engine maintenance check, you have to do the following:

  • Inspect for leaks in the engine’s cooling system or engine bay
  • Clean the engine’s air filter
  • Listen for rattling or knocking noises when the engine is running
  • Assess your vehicle’s dashboard warning lights

Monitor Your Vehicle’s Exhaust Performance

Your vehicle’s exhaust system expels exhaust fumes away from the engine and cabin. It’s also designed to filter out harmful emissions, reducing air pollution. Moreover, it maintains a steady exhaust flow, facilitating normal accelerations.

However, after driving for miles, your vehicle’s exhaust system can develop problems such as leaks, faulty oxygen sensors or catalytic converters, and damaged parts.

You can detect exhaust system damage during a maintenance session in several ways. If you’re noticing the following, then you need to have your exhaust system professionally inspected:

  • Excessive engine exhaust and noise
  • Slow vehicle acceleration
  • Engine misfiring
  • Reduced fuel economy
  • Burning smell from the engine bay

Check the Tyres Regularly

Your tires play a crucial role in vehicle performance, providing the necessary traction on the highway. However, your vehicle’s tires can get punctured or lose pressure since they’re constantly exposed to the elements.

Driving with damaged tires is dangerous as it reduces your control over your vehicle. That’s why it’s in your best interest to check your tires regularly. 

When conducting tire maintenance, you must inspect your tires’ appearance. If you see any cuts, scrapes, bulges, or cracks, having your tires repaired or replaced is a good idea.

You can also use special tools like a tire pressure gauge to check if your tires are properly inflated. Your tires’ air pressure should be within an ideal range.

If the pressure is too high or too low, it can compromise vehicle stability. To know your tire’s recommended air pressure levels, check the vehicle’s owner’s manual or a sticker inside the driver’s door.

Refill Vehicle Fluids

Your vehicle requires a variety of fluids to function. It uses fuel to run, motor oil for engine lubrication, coolant to maintain engine temperature, and windscreen washer fluid for a clear windscreen.

Over time, these fluids deplete, and their effectiveness will wear off. Hence, it’s crucial to regularly top up these fluids to ensure your vehicle functions properly.

Taking care of your vehicle can entail a lot of hard work. But if you conduct regular vehicle maintenance sessions, you can rest assured that your vehicle will be roadworthy.

Nevertheless, more than basic vehicle maintenance will be required to ensure your vehicle stays in good condition. It’s still a good idea to have your vehicle professionally serviced often.

Finally, with these essential maintenance tips for roadworthy rides, you can drive safely without worries. And your mechanic can handle challenging maintenance tasks, repairs, and upgrade installations that will keep your vehicle in excellent shape for years. Here are three requirements for a roadworthy certificate.

About the author

About the author

Natasha Ballard lives in Austin, Texas, with her family. She spends her time writing food-related articles and taking care of her kids, Loreen and Ted, aged 14 and 11. She also enjoys cooking and sharing her favorite recipes through her writing.


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