
World Sleep Day ~ Friday Humor

World Sleep Day is an annual event on the Friday before the Spring Equinox, usually in March. The World Sleep Society first organized it in 2008 to raise awareness about the importance of good sleep and the impact of sleep-related problems on health and well-being.

The theme for World Sleep Day changes every year, but it always focuses on promoting healthy sleep habits and educating people about the consequences of sleep deprivation. 

The World Sleep Society is a non-profit organization that promotes sleep health and education worldwide. It comprises sleep professionals, researchers, and advocates who work together to raise awareness about sleep-related issues and promote better sleep habits.

History of World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day was first held on March 14th, 2008. It was organized by the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) in collaboration with other organizations dedicated to sleep research and education. The event’s purpose was to raise awareness about the importance of healthy sleep and the impact of sleep disorders on health and well-being.

In 2016, the World Association of Sleep Medicine changed its name to the World Sleep Society (WSS), and the organization became the official sponsor of World Sleep Day. The WSS is a non-profit organization that promotes sleep health and education worldwide. It works closely with other organizations to raise awareness about the importance of good sleep habits and the consequences of sleep-related problems.

Today, many countries mark this event through public events, educational campaigns, and online activities. It continues to be an essential platform for raising awareness about the importance of healthy sleep.

How to celebrate World Sleep Day

There are many ways to celebrate World Sleep Day and raise awareness about the importance of healthy sleep. Here are some ideas:

  1. Get a good night’s sleep: The best way to celebrate World Sleep Day is to prioritize your sleep health. Ensure you get enough sleep each night and establish a regular sleep schedule.
  2. Share sleep tips: Share your favorite sleep tips with your friends and family. You can post them on social media or create a blog post or video.
  3. Attend a sleep-related event: Many organizations host events on World Sleep Day, such as sleep clinics, hospitals, and universities. Attend a local event to learn more about sleep health and meet others interested in promoting healthy sleep.
  4. Organize a sleep-related event: You can also organize your event to celebrate World Sleep Day. This could be a sleep-themed party, a sleepover, or a sleep-related workshop or seminar.
  5. Wear pajamas to work or school: Encourage your coworkers or classmates to wear pajamas to work or school on World Sleep Day to raise awareness about the importance of sleep.
  6. Donate to a sleep-related charity: Consider donating to a charity supporting sleep-related research and education, such as the World Sleep Society or the National Sleep Foundation.
  7. Spread awareness on social media: Share sleep-related infographics, articles, or videos to raise awareness about the importance of healthy sleep. Use the hashtag #WorldSleepDay to join the conversation.

1. An exhausted blonde dragged herself to the doctor’s office.

 “Doctor, there are dogs all over my neighborhood,” she said. “They bark all day and all night, and I can’t get a wink of sleep.”

“I’m going to prescribe some sleeping pills,” said the doctor. “A few of these and your troubles will be over.”

“Great,” said the blonde. “I’ll try anything.”

 A few weeks later, the blonde returned, looking worse than ever. “Doctor, it didn’t work! I’m more tired than before!”

“I don’t understand how that could be,” said the doctor, shaking his head. “Those are the most potent pills on the market!”

“Maybe so,” said the blonde, “but I’m still up all night chasing those dogs, and when I finally catch one, it’s hell getting him to swallow the pill!”

2. A man sleeps next to his wife when he hears a loud knock on his door.

He rolls over and looks at his clock, it’s 3 AM.

“I’m not getting out of bed now,” he thinks and rolls over.

Then, a louder knock follows.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” says his wife.

 So he drags himself out of bed and goes downstairs.

He opens the door, and a man is standing at the door.

It didn’t take the homeowner long to realize the man was drunk.

“Hi there,” slurs the stranger, “can you give me a push?”

“No, get lost; it’s 3 AM. I was in bed,” says the man and slams the door.

He returns to the bed and tells his wife what happened, and she says, “Dave, that wasn’t very nice of you. Remember that night we broke down in the pouring rain on the way to pick the kids up from the babysitter, and you had to knock on that man’s house to get us started again? What would have happened if he’d told us to get lost?”

“But the guy was drunk.” says the husband.

“It doesn’t matter.” says the wife.

“He needs our help, and it would be the Christian thing to help him.”

So the husband gets out of bed again, puts his clothes on, and goes downstairs.

He opens the door and not seeing the stranger anywhere. He shouts, “Hey, do you still want a push?” and hears a voice cry, “Yeah, please.”

So, still unable to see the stranger, he shouts, “Where are you?”

And the stranger replies: “I’m over here, on your swing.”

3. I was talking with a man who had 24 kids.

I asked him how come he had so many kids.

He said, “Well, my wife is hard of hearing.”

I asked him what that had to do with anything.

He said, “Every night I ask her, ‘Do you want to go to sleep, or what?’ and every night she replies, ‘What.'”

Sleep is the best meditation. — Dalai Lama

Here’s how you can improve your physical health by sleeping better.

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family-oriented topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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