
National Thank Your Mailman Day ~ Friday Humor

National Thank Your Mailman Day is an annual holiday observed in the United States on the second Saturday of February. The day was created to recognize the important role that mail carriers play in our communities and to say thank you for their reliable and efficient service.

The day is an opportunity to show appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the men and women who deliver mail daily to homes and businesses.

The History of National Thank Your Mailman Day

National Thank Your Mailman Day is a relatively new holiday established in the United States to recognize postal workers’ hard work and dedication. It is observed to show appreciation for the individuals who deliver mail to homes and businesses daily, regardless of the weather conditions.

The exact history of this holiday is unknown. Still, it has gained popularity recently as a way to show gratitude to the men and women who play a vital role in connecting communities.

National Thank your Mailman Day Activities

National Thank Your Mail Carrier Day provides an opportunity to show your local postal workers appreciation. Here are some activities you can participate in to celebrate this day:

  • Write a heartfelt thank you note or card to your mailman and leave it in your mailbox.
  • Bake cookies or bring a small gift to your local post office to show appreciation.
  • Organize a community event or potluck to thank your local postal workers for their hard work and dedication.
  • Donate to a charity that supports postal workers and their families. Share a message of thanks on social media using the hashtag #ThankYourMailmanDay.

Remember, postal workers, play a critical role in our communities, delivering mail, packages, and other important communications, often in bad weather and challenging conditions. Showing appreciation for their hard work is a simple way to express gratitude and support. Enjoy some jokes on the mailman.

1. My mailman has a long name. There are just so many letters.

2. What do you get when you move around the letters of the mailman? Someone who goes postal.

3. I recently got hired as a USPS mailman. I was really excited about it, but my dog wouldn’t talk to me for a week afterward!

4. I punched a mailman yesterday. He said I had a small package.

5. My dog keeps chasing the mailman on a bike. If he doesn’t stop, I’ll have to take the bike off of him.

6. What do you get when you move around the letters of the mailman? Someone who goes postal.

7. I quit my new job as a mailman when they handed me my first letter to deliver. I looked at it and thought, “This isn’t for me.”

8. Did you hear about the mailman who walked out on the job? He abandoned his post.

9. I asked the mailman why he worked at such a low-paying job. He replied: It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message.

10. A drug dealer once dressed up as a mailman.
He got caught immediately because he rang the doorbell once.

I’ve never sent an email to anybody. I believe in keeping the postman in work-Dennis Skinner

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family-oriented topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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