
Is Tik Tok Harmful To Your Children?

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information at every turn, the newest “it” apps, like TikTok, can take that information to a whole new level. But is Tik Tok harmful to your children? This article will explore what you should know about this social media app and why it may harm your children.

What’s All The Hype About TikTok?

TikTok is a video-sharing app that has been making headlines for years with mixed information on its safety. On the one hand, it’s a fun app for dancing, sharing stories, and staying connected when times are hard.

On the other hand, it’s constantly taking in data and fine-tuning its algorithm to show certain types of content to its users that they may find interesting. So, how does all of this impact your children? Well, it depends.

Mental Health Effects Of Social Media

One of the most important factors that social media affects is mental health. When children are constantly bombarded with addictive algorithms that make them want to keep scrolling, their brains crave more, which can worsen conditions like ADHD.

Not only that, but just like any other social media, it’s hard to know who is viewing and interacting with your content all the time unless your privacy settings are correct.

Why does this matter? Beyond general safety concerns, if your child or teen shares personal stories or diagnoses on their platform, predators and bad actors can use that information to target them.

While it can seem like a positive way to connect others’ stories with their own, it may have the opposite effect and incite cyberbullying instead. The good news is that some new features within the app help prevent this behavior, but they don’t eliminate it.

Algorithm Design

The algorithm wants to give viewers access to things it thinks they’ll like. That means your child could repeatedly be watching the same type of content — ingraining a certain mentality or idealogy into their mind.

Of course, if it’s positive messaging, that’s awesome. Positive morning mantras, such as “I’m brave! I’m smart! I’m going to have a good day!” can make a huge difference in your child’s outlook.

But when your child’s impressionable brain is fed lies, misinformation, or just a lot of not-so-good-for-you media, it starts to take root and impact them profoundly.

How To Avoid The Dangers Of TikTok

So, what can you do about it? How can you help your child avoid the dangers of TikTok? Here are a few top tips:

1. Be A Part Of It

Not totally comfortable with your child having an account? Be a part of it! Make it a fun family activity that you can do together. Scroll through some videos to get ideas or be inspired to make something fun.

When you’re a part of it, you can more easily see what’s going on and maintain access to the overall account. This is especially important for younger children who may beg to use the app or want to create a dance routine they saw a friend do. There’s no harm in having this type of fun together!

2. Keep Those Privacy Settings In Check

We mentioned it briefly above, but keep those privacy settings in check. Make sure you know who can view your child’s content and that no personal information is visible.

You may even choose to shield personal details about the layout of your home, what your street looks like, or restrict footage of the exterior of your home. It all depends on your situation, but you don’t want these videos to get shared with some accidental information you don’t want out there.

In addition, here are a few privacy settings you should double-check and put in place:

  1. Family Pairing — This allows you to remotely control your child’s settings within the app.
  2. Enable “Digital Wellbeing” — This setting lets you set time limits for your child to be active on the app and is password protected.
  3. Direct Message Settings — Choose from Everyone, Friends, or Off to keep them safe.
  4. Restricted Mode — This prohibits inappropriate content from appearing on your child’s TikTok feed.

Additional Threats TikTok Poses

While there’s a lot of uncertainty surrounding these claims, there is speculation that foreign entities could manipulate TikTok and steal/corrupt data.

This is important to follow as more information is discovered, but it’s worth noting that no social media app is entirely free from some sort of cyber threat. Proceed with caution always!

Where To Go From Here

The bottom line regarding the dangers of TikTok is to talk about them with your child. Please explain why you have privacy settings in place, why it’s essential that they do not spend too much time exploring the feed, and what to look out for should a bad situation arise.

With your support, the right tools, and a healthy understanding of social media best practices, you and your child may enjoy sharing some fun videos and may avoid the rest.

You know your kid best!

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married his now ex-wife, becoming the stepdad to her two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and the women who love them worldwide. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Twitter and Facebook.


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