
National Cupcake Day ~ Friday Humor

National Cupcake Day falls on December 15th. Since the 19th century, cupcakes have been a big part of birthday celebrations, office parties, bake sales, weddings, and every other event in America. These miniature cakes, which can fit in the palm of your hand, can be the ultimate delight when decorated with frosting or sprinkles and any taste you can imagine.

History of Cupcakes

English Fairy Cakes, a delicious treat that gained popularity in England around the 17th century, are most likely the source of inspiration for cupcakes. Amelia Simmons initially described the American recipe for the cupcake in the 1796 edition of her American Cookery cookbook.

The name of the recipe, “Light Cakes to Bake in Small Cups,” is appropriate given that these tiny cakes were initially prepared in teacups. Eliza Leslie’s 1828 Seventy-Five Recipes for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats is the first cookbook to use the term “cupcake.”

The fact that they were created using measuring cups rather than weights in the 19th century is why they were given the moniker “cupcake.” Because the ingredients were one cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour, and four eggs, they were once referred to as 1-2-3-4 cakes.

The original cupcakes were tiny yellow cakes with a simple flavor and no decorations. Cupcakes have experienced a modern renaissance in recent years, and you can now purchase them in any flavor, with ornate designs, frosting, sprinkles, and toppings. In general, they are delicious desserts.

How to Celebrate National Cupcake Day

As with other food holidays, the ideal way to observe this day is to consume this delicious dessert. Have a cupcake party, invite friends or family, and bake some cupcakes. We’ll tell you a little secret: you can bake cupcakes using any standard cake recipe.

Instead of using a cake form, simply pour the mixture into tiny paper cups. This entails that you can eat your preferred cake in bite-sized portions. Sprinkles in different colors and buttercream or cream cheese frosting will dress them up.

Enjoy some cupcake jokes!

1. What’s the difference between a baseball cupcake and a baseball muffin…

The batter

2. In a bakery- a man to the shop assistant: “I’ll have that thing there, please.”

Shop assistant: “Cupcake?”

Man: “OK, Cupcake, I’ll have that thing there, please.”

3. I told my chef wife that if she were to leave me…

please leave me one of your incredible cupcakes.

She replied…”I won’t dessert you.”

4. Trump and Hillary walk into a pastry shop

Hillary whispers to Trump, “Look, look..”

She grabs three cupcakes and sticks them in her pocket.

Trump is shocked. “What are you doing? That’s theft! Just watch and learn.”

Trump calls the clerk, “listen, if you give me a cupcake, ill show you an amazing magic trick,” Intrigued, the clerk hands him a cupcake.

Trump immediately eats it.

“Now give me another,” and gobbles it down.

“Another!” and eats that one as well.

The clerk, angered, asks, “So what’s the magic trick !?”

To which trump replies: “Check Hillary’s pocket.”

When you look at a cupcake, you’ve got to smile. – Anne Byrn

Enjoy some more jokes on cakes here.



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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family-oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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