FamilyHow to Be a Good Stepdad

A Guide To Your Teen’s First Car

You want to support your teenager even as they take the first steps toward independence. One of the most significant milestones is learning to drive, and the moment when your teen finally gets a driver’s license is a proud day.

However, that isn’t the end of the story. Your teenager has another significant milestone to pass — buying the first car.
Without the proper support and guidance, it’s easy for a teenager to make a big mistake.

The wrong approach to buying a car can lead to big headaches down the road from buying something more expensive than they can afford to drive off the lot with a lemon. Even after the purchase, you must instill good driving and maintenance habits. Your teen gets the most value out of the new car.

Being there for your child is the surest way to guarantee their success. This is a significant investment in more ways than one, and a parent’s role is to make sure a new driver understands and appreciates that.

As difficult as it may seem, talking with your teen about drinking and driving can play a huge role in the view they have of it. Here are the most important things to keep in mind when talking with your teen about drinking and driving.

If you’re looking for a guide to your teen’s first car from buying a vehicle for the first time to taking care of it, take a look at the accompanying resource.

Infographic created byCapital Auto Auction

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