
National Parents’ Day ~ Friday Humor

Parents’ Day is celebrated on the 4th Sunday in July. Although it is not a public holiday and most businesses remain open, this National observance is widely celebrated. Parenting is a full-time job and often with no breaks. Parents and stepparents who prioritize the well-being of their children deserve to be commended for their efforts on this day.

History of Parent’s Day

President Bill Clinton signed a congressional resolution in 1994 that established Parents’ Day as a federal holiday to recognize and commend parents for their role in the training of children.

The National Parents’ Day website states that raising children and grandkids, or performing other parental duties, is “the greatest effort of any individual, rich or poor, black or white when it comes down to the evening of their life.”

Parents’ Day is celebrated to honor parents’ caring for their family and their contributions to society. Parents’ Day aids families in focusing on the love, commitment, and investment of raising children.

What to do on Parents’ Day

Similar to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, families arrange dinners for their parents and demonstrate their love and appreciation by sending cards and giving them unique gifts. You can make your parents or parent figure feel extra special today by doing something nice for them. Enjoy these hilarious jokes about parents.

1. A teenage girl brings home her boyfriend to meet her parents

Her parents are disgusted by the boyfriend’s crazy haircut, excessive tattoos, and piercings.

 After dinner, the girl’s mom tells her, “Honey, he doesn’t seem to be a nice boy. Are you sure about this?”

 “Oh please, mom.” the girl begged. “If he wasn’t a nice person, why would he be doing 500 hours of community service?

2. When I was a kid, my parents always said, “Excuse my French,” after a swear word…

I’ll never forget that first day at school when the teacher asked whether we knew any French…

3. Sarah was excited to be traveling without her parents for the first time. As soon as she entered the bus, she told the conductor to remind her when they reached Entebbe, and soon they were on their way.

After a while, she asked the conductor, “Have we reached Entebbe?” “No,” the conductor answered.

She asked again after some time, but the answer was still the same.

She asked a third time, and the conductor, clearly agitated, replied, “not yet. I will let you know when we get there.”

Sarah then fell asleep, and when she woke up, she could not wait any more, so she asked, “Have we reached Entebbe?”

The conductor instantly realized his mistake, but it was too late. Entebbe was too far behind, “we have already passed it,” he replied.

“But I told you to remind me when we reached,” cried Sarah. The other passengers watching the situation unfold agreed that the conductor was clearly in the wrong and should turn the bus back.

The conductor and driver reluctantly agreed, and so they turned back. When they reached Entebbe, the conductor informed Sarah.

She promptly removed a container from her bag and started eating from it. The conductor, running out of patience, asked her why she was not getting out.

Sarah replied, “No, this is not my stop. My mum told me when the bus reached Entebbe; I am to eat the food she packed for me. She said If I ate too soon, I would become hungry again on the way.”

4. An English couple decided to adopt a little German boy. After two years, the child doesn’t speak, and his parents start to worry about him. After three years, he still has not spoken, and after four years, he has yet to utter a word.

The English couple figured he was never going to speak, but he was still a lovely child, and on his next birthday, they threw him a party and made him a chocolate cake with orange icing.

The parents are in the kitchen when the boy comes in and says, “Mother, Father, I do not care for the orange icing on the chocolate cake.”

My God,” says his mother. “You can speak?”

To which the German boy replies, “Of course.”

 “How come you’ve never spoken before? “asks his father.

 “Well,” says the boy, “up until now, everything has been satisfactory.”

5. Kids orbit their parents like moons.

It’s why they can’t see their dark sides.

A good father is a source of inspiration and self-restraint. A good mother is the root of kindness and humbleness. – Dr T.P.Chia

Here are positive parenting tips to be an effective parent.

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family-oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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