
World Laughter Day ~ Friday Humor

World Laughter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May to raise awareness of the benefits of laughing and promote world peace through laughter. Laughing relieves stress and brings us closer to others as we share our joy. Those that participate in World Laughter Day assist in spreading happiness and joy in a way that has the potential to alter the world.

History of World Laughter Day 

Dr. Madan Kataria, an Indian family doctor, started the Laughter Yoga movement because he thought that one’s facial expressions might influence one’s emotions. In 1998, he established World Laughter Day to bring people from all over the world together via laughter to promote world peace and positivity.

Today, the Laughter Yoga movement includes Clubs in over 105 countries, celebrating World Laughter Day and spreading the word about it. The majority of World Laughter Day events consist of people gathering in public to join in the laughter.

What is the Significance of World Laughter Day?

The goal of World Laughter Day is to encourage people to laugh more and recognize the advantages of laughter. Laughter has been shown to have a significant positive impact on one’s well-being and mental health. Here are a few examples:

  • It causes endorphins to be released. When you laugh, your body produces endorphins, which are natural painkillers that can make you feel better and help you cope with chronic pain.
  • It helps to alleviate stress. Laughing reduces stress hormone levels in the body, tension, and anxiety and makes you feel more relaxed.
  • Laughing with another person can help you become closer. It aids in the formation of relationships. It’s been established that couples who laugh regularly are closer and more intimate. This means that laughter can help you make friends and makeup with someone you’ve been angry with.
  • Laughter causes your heart to beat faster, so it’s a great way to get a cardio exercise in. It strengthens your heart and decreases your blood pressure. It also decreases your blood pressure, lowering your chance of a heart attack.

These jokes will make you laugh out loud.

1. There’s nothing sweeter than a baby’s laughter…

Unless it’s 3 am.

And you’re home alone.

And you don’t have a baby.

2. What kind of laughter gets you a prison sentence?


3. There was a man who reads a joke so funny that he died from laughter.

After reading it, the authorities all agreed that it was a killer joke.

4. How do you stop laughter?

Add an S

5. Men are afraid of women’s laughter…

Women are afraid of manslaughter.

6. While visiting the old folk’s home, little Charlie asks his grandmother, “Grandma, what is ‘dark humor’?”

His grandma replies, “Watch, I’ll show you.” She points at a man in a wheelchair and says, “See that man over there? Go and ask him to stand up.”

Charlie gasps. “But grandma…!”

His grandma then points at a man with no arms. “And see him? Tell him to clap his hands! Hah!”

Charlie is visibly disgusted. “Grandma!”

His grandma then points at a woman with no teeth and laughs, “Oh! Oh! And see her? Offer her some chewing gum!”

Finally, Charlie has had enough and bursts out, “But grandma! I’m blind!”

His grandma erupts into a fit of laughter. “Exactly!”

7. Whoever said laughter is the best medicine…

clearly hasn’t tried curing diarrhea with a tickle fight.

8. I was hanging out with my Schizophrenic friend, and all of a sudden, he burst into fits of laughter

I asked what was so funny, and he said, “you wouldn’t get it; it’s an inside joke.”

9. How many tickles does it take to get an octopus to laugh?

Ten tickles

10. What is the dumbest joke you’ve laughed at?

The Mirror.

Laugh my friend, for laughter ignites a fire within the pit of your belly and awakens your being. —Stella & Blake

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About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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