
Stickers – Why Kids Love Em

From an early age, we teach our children to identify things. They point at dogs, and we tell them “dog” they point at birds, and we tell them, “that’s a bird.”

One might argue this is a driving factor behind our general need to categorize things, but that’s all a bit deep for a conversation about stickers. One undeniable truth is that children find stickers’ bright colors and interactivity appealing.

But something more profound happens when children play with stickers. Something psychological.

For the most part, children are mainly creative in one way or another. Whether that means drawing or playing make-believe, children love to use their imagination and express themselves. That is precisely what they can do with stickers.

Predefined sticker sheets with puffy stickers let kids explore new textures. Whether it’s a fluffy pink narwhal or a racing car, the colors and textures will catch the child’s attention, let her imagination run wild, and let her stick them wherever she wants.

Why do Kids Love Stickers So Much?

Kids playing with sticker books

So we know the idea of stickers work on many levels –

  • it teaches them they need to put things where they belong in sticker books,
  • that they can express their imagination by placing them in different environments, and
  • they can develop their own identity by selecting other stickers that appeal to them.

But beyond all that, we know kids like to be hands-on. Interactivity keeps their bodies and minds active, and stickers allow them to explore the world around them, from how stickers fit into an environment to how they operate.

At this young age, the world is all about exploration, and stickers can give them the incentive to find out more about their surroundings.

This love of exploration, of discovering gives children a chance to understand their choices. And equally important, it helps them realize they have a choice.

Beyond the basics of being pretty to look at, stickers represent a child’s choice. From which sticker they want to use to where they want to put it and, in some circumstances, the consequences of applying a sticker to a door handle vase or family pet.

1000 Stickers for Boys

From the ages of three and upwards, children appear to have a particular fondness for stickers and the choices they represent in their lives. They can explore their personality and artistry through the use of stickers.

And they can even practice the art of mischief, which will likely assist in their ability to torment others for the rest of their years playfully.

Engage Children with Colorful Stickers

As if it wasn’t enough fun to play with stickers, our education system emphasizes they are a good thing by providing younger students with “gold stars” as a reward for being good. If only adults were so easily pleased, eh?

There are many reasons why children like stickers. Some as fundamental and subconscious as personal exploration, and some as conscious as pretty colors. But as a cheap and engaging activity for children to partake.

About the author

About the author

Tammy Wiltshire is the Marketing Manager for the UK’s leading manufacturer of self-adhesive labels and sticker sheets – Labelnet.

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  1. In my opinion, it meets the child’s sensitive period for order. As you watch young children work with stickers, it goes from putting them anywhere and making a big mess into eventually having some logic and structure to where they put them.

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