
National Lego Day ~ Friday Humor

Lego, a colorful plastic brick, has existed almost a century ago, entertaining children and even adults. It is used to make various items, including toy cars, machines, buildings, and other things. The best part is it can be taken apart and put back together to create something else.

Legos are a great source of entertainment, fuels creativity, and help kids enhance their problem-solving communication skills. National Lego Day celebrates this enriching toy and its contribution to the growth and development of children.

How to celebrate the National Lego Day

  • Children can build a Lego toy while the adults get creative in making a masterpiece.
  • If you have a LEGOLAND-themed park in your city, you can take your children there to have the time of their life.

Here are some Lego-inspired jokes you can share with your loved ones as you celebrate National Lego Day.

1. What did the Lego alien say?

“I come in pieces.”

2. What’s worse to step on in the middle of the night than a lego

A landmine.

3. I am a little confused about why everyone keeps giving me LEGOs for my birthday.

I don’t know what to make of it.

4. What do you call a PC made of legos?


5. The Legos stores have finally reopened in Europe after the Coronavirus,

People have literally been lining up for blocks!!

6. It’s been two days, and it’s driving me crazy, but I can’t remember the name of those small blocks with which kids and adults build stuff.

My wife tells me to Lego of it, but I can’t.

7. I’m trying so hard to create a LEGO joke.

But the pieces just won’t go together.

8. I’m having trouble with my Bonnie Tyler LEGO sculpture

Now and then it falls apart.

9. My kid is a LEGO genius. The box said 6-12 years…

… and she finished it in less than a day. That has to be some sort of record.

10. Why was the Lego man sick?


11. What does the Lego man do for fun?

He throws a block party.

12. When I told my ex-girlfriend that I wanted to break up, she tried gifting me a mini plastic figurine of myself in an attempt to salvage our relationship.

I screamed, “Lego of me!”

13. When a toy and an elf have a baby girl, what do you call it?

Lego Lass

14. A police officer pulled over a Lego man today…

…and when the officer asked the man if he knew why he was being stopped, the Lego man responded, “I bet it’s because I’m block.”

15. A man’s wife threw out his LEGO collection dating back to the 1970s.

She leaves him soon after. His son gathers a group of his friends to look around the house to cheer him up. Soon, the whole neighborhood joins in the effort. His father comes home and immediately panics.

 “Son, what are all these people doing here?”

 His son replies, “We got some. but we’re going to find every piece, dad.”

 His father starts to cry and pace.

 “It’s ok dad, we’ve already found some of the bricks.”

 He sighs with relief.

 “Bricks? Ah, the Lego bricks. I thought you meant your mother.”

With a bucket of Lego, you can tell any story. You can build an airplane or a dragon or a pirate ship – it’s whatever you can imagine. Christopher Miller

Click here to see how you can create a Lego-inspired bedroom.

About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies and enjoys writing family oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor on Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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