
Seven Smart Holiday Shopping Tips For This Season

Everyone looks forward to the holidays. It’s a season when friends and families gather to have fun, celebrate and be thankful. Of course, gifts will be shared. There’s good news if you are worried about the ideal gift for a loved one. We have the best smart holiday shopping tips for this season.

Start With a Plan

Holiday gift-giving can be expensive, especially when you approach it without a plan. Without some planning, you will find yourself overwhelmed, unsure of what to buy, and even waiting till the last minute when things are more expensive or out of stock.

First, make a simple list of what each person on your list might want. Follow that list to ensure you don’t overspend, miss someone, or even end up buying several things for the same person unknowingly. Some people set up early price alerts to track when the prices rise or fall on their favorite site or store.

Have an Idea of how Much You can Afford to Spend

Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean you need to go broke. Before you start your shopping, make a budget to ensure that you only spend what you can afford on gifts. If you find yourself a little short, consider making some gifts this year to save some money. Doing some quick and simple math will tell you how much you can safely spend on each person on your list and will keep you from any nasty financial surprises around the beginning of the year.

Create your Gift List

Now that you have your plan and budget, it’s time to narrow down what you will be buying. You might find that some items on your gift list need to be bought early to ensure there is time for shipping before the holiday rush.

You might also want to search for that one perfect gift for a loved one that will take some time to find. Making a list will help you stick to the plan and budget throughout the entire process!

 Do your Research on Major Purchases

We all have one or two major purchases this holiday season, and these can add up if you wait or don’t do your research. Make sure you browse the internet and your local shops for just the right prices on major gifts and purchases.

The same goes for household appliances that might need to be replaced before the holiday guests arrive, like that old dishwasher or oven. Before you start shopping, do your research to determine what you need, where you can get it, and how much it will cut into your gift and food holiday budget this year.

 Shop Online

Online shopping is a great way to get it all done from the comfort of your own home. You must look carefully at the shipping times before you click “buy” to ensure that your perfect gift doesn’t end up spending Christmas in a warehouse or truck somewhere and not in your loved-ones hands.

Many great eCommerce stores offer free shipping or simplify the process with a trusted service like USPS shipping API, which ensures the shipping process is easy and automated for both you and your vendor.

Value Quality over Quantity

“The more, the merrier” is excellent at a party, but not so great for gifts. Take some time to choose high-quality gifts that your loved ones can actually use or need this year. A large pile of small gifts is great, but taking the extra time to make sure your gift is perfect will make the recipient feel like you’ve really put some thought into them and what they like.

The same goes for making your purchases. Choose to purchase from companies who offer excellent customer service, like those with a call center provider, to ensure there is always someone there to answer your questions and help you with issues.

Smart holiday shopping tips- A lady making a gift list

 Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

The last-minute should be for trips to the grocery store or a trip to the ice skating rink with your family or visitors if you are really lucky. Don’t wait till the last minute to buy gifts or risk having everything held up in shipping. Some people wait too long to make use of the internet and eventually have to go out and hunt down that perfect gift. Start now!

The holidays can be stressful, no matter what you are doing. Don’t let your holiday shopping be a source of stress this year!  Make it fun by organizing it, and be sure to save some money in the process!  Your family and friends will thank you, and so will your bank account. Here are some gift ideas for the men in your life. 

About the author

About the author

Tara Heath is a journalist and mother in Southern California. She knows how difficult it can be to have open communication with your children and loves sharing her parenting knowledge with others. For more, follow her on Twitter!

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