
International Internet Day ~ Friday Humor

International Internet Day is celebrated on October 29th. Today, the internet is a source of information around the world. Besides being a source of information, the internet provides entertainment and a source of earning an income by working remotely.

The World Wide Web www became publicly available in 1991, and it is one of the reasons the internet is widely used.

How to Observe the International Internet Day

  • Share on social media the ways the internet has made your life easier
  • Use the hashtag #InternationalInternetDay
  • Discuss challenges people who don’t have access to the internet face
  • Research the history of the internet

Enjoy some jokes on the internet.

1. How do trees access the internet?

They log in.

2. Last night the internet stopped working, so I spent a few hours with my family.

They seem like nice people.

3. Thanks to my internet service provider, I was finally able to read a book…

They had an outage

4. There are a lot of scams on the internet…

For a low price of $69, I can show you how to avoid them.

5. I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the internet…

I asked my 18 brothers and sisters, and they didn’t know either.

6. My internet is really fast

There’s a huge storm today. Luckily, I know my internet is fast. It’s so fast that it lags before the storm!

7. Why do babies want to use the internet?

So they can Google Gaga.

8. How do FLIES connect to the internet?


9. A lonely fisherman decided to use his internet instead of a regular fishing net.

All he caught were catfish.

10. Yo mama is so fat she doesn’t need the internet.

She’s already worldwide.

11. My internet connection is a lot like my grandad

It’s down most of the time, and even when it’s up, it’s shaky as hell, and we all know it’s gonna go down again soon

12. Guys, I just read something on the internet saying that Albert Einstein may not have existed!

Turns out he’s just a theoretical physicist.

13. What do you call a potato that makes videos for the internet?


14. Today I was in a home with no internet.

Something was Amish

15. What does an internet-addicted frog say?

Reddit Reddit

16. I finally switched from Internet Explorer to Chrome!

Just kidding, happy April fools day!

17. I was at a restaurant, and a cute waitress was flirting with me. She gave her an email and told me to hit her up sometime. I tried to email her the next day, but the internet was down.

I couldn’t connect to the server

18. Did you hear the news about Microsoft retiring internet explorer in 2022?

I don’t know about you, but I’m on edge over it.

19. The last time Chuck Norris surfed the internet…

…he finished it.

20. The internet connection at my farm is really sketchy, so I moved the modem to the barn.

Now I have stable WIFI.

21. I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 clickbait articles on the internet

Number 7 will shock you.

22. 2020 is the most popular year on the internet.

It went viral.

23. Dogs invented the internet.

They have used IP protocol long before us.

24. I researched about LGBT on the internet today

Just couldn’t get a straight answer.

25. My new internet provider is owned by a fisherman

Terrible service takes all day to get a byte.

We are all now connected by the internet, like neurons in a giant brain- Stephen Hawking

If you are a parent in the internet age, you know how scary it is knowing there are online predators that could potentially harm your child. Here are seven ways to keep your children safe online.

About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies. She enjoys writing family oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor for Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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