
National Pets For Veterans Day ~Friday Humor

National Pets for Veterans Day recognizes the men and women who fought for their country and raises awareness of mental health benefits pets can provide to veterans.


National Pets for Veterans Day started with Bear, a ham that interacted differently with everyone and provided comfort for the veterans. Many veterans were interested in taking Bear home, and its owner decided to help veterans find their Bear to help them rehabilitate.

As we celebrate Bear and other service animals on October 21st, you can do the following to contribute;

  • Visit a shelter and help a veteran with adoption fee charges
  • Collect toys for cats and dogs and donate them to a local shelter
  • Visit a VA facility and thank the veterans.

Enjoy some jokes on pets and veterans.

1. Why wouldn’t the dog attend the Veterans Day Parade?

There were too many vets.

2. My grandfather survived agent orange during the Vietnam war. My great grandfather survived mustard gas in WWII.

I come from a line of seasoned veterans.

3. How do cannibals prefer veterans?


4. So, the army is forced to cut the pensions of some of their veterans…

To repay the veterans for their service, they bring in three veterans. They tell the three that they will be reimbursed in money, in that each one can choose two points of their body, and the distance between the two will be how much money they receive.
Anyway, the first man goes and says, “I’ll have my outstretched wingspan measured.”
His wingspan is 160cm, so he is given $160.
The second man chooses the top of his head and his feet.
His height is 175cm, so he is given $175.
The third man steps up and says, “I’ll have the distance from my right palm to my right index finger.”
The military people are first confused, but then the man taking the measurements looks at his hand.
“Where’s your right index finger, soldier?”
The veteran smiles and says, “Back where I lost it, in Vietnam.”

5. Why did the waiter get a veterans discount

Because he SERVED our country

6. A veteran walks into the bar

A veteran called Robert walks into the bar and grabs a drink. The man to his right begins a conversation. After an hour and many drinks pass by, they find out they were both veterans from Vietnam.

Robert: I was only a helicopter mechanic, but I have seen all the horrors of that war. 

The other veteran: Oh, I still have nightmares of all the people that I’ve killed. It’s horrible!

Robert: I totally understand you, I’ve killed 15 men.

The other veteran: Wait, but you were only a helicopter mechanic…

Robert: Never said I was a good one…

7. Where do all the world war 1 veterans hang out?

In the Trench Club

8. A group of veterans decided to put out a cover of an Aretha Franklin song

They’re calling it RESPTSD.

9. Why do WWI veterans dislike golf?

They always end up in the bunker.

10. What’s the worst place to cook popcorn?

A retired veteran’s house.

If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life. – Roger A. Caras

Click here to read the history of Veterans Day and ways to give back.

About the author

About the author

Rae Aria holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Literary Studies. She enjoys writing family oriented-topics. When she’s not writing or working as an editor for Support for Stepdads, she loves spending time with her two sons and reading a wide range of subjects.

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