
How To Lower Your Energy Bills: The Complete Guide

So many households in 2021 are still struggling to recover from the financial problems caused by the pandemic. The last thing you need right now is an unreasonably high electricity bill. But here’s the good news. There are lots of things you can do to lower energy bills each month.

You’ll find these energy-saving tips right here in this guide. The best part is, these steps are easy to follow and most of them cost little-to-no money. Furthermore, even the steps that do cost money are a good investment.

The money you invest will come back to you as energy savings. Besides that, you’ll be helping the environment. So, what’s the downside, you ask? There isn’t any! Just read this guide on how to lower your energy bills.

1. Go Solar

You can no longer afford to put off going solar. According to Blue Raven Solar, household energy bills have increased over the last 20 years by more than 60% on average. We can only imagine how much higher they will be 20 years from now.

But, if you install solar panels now, you can start reducing your bill rather than increasing it. Besides, 2021 is the last year that you can get a tax credit off of the price of your solar panels.

2. Get an Energy Audit

To find out exactly how your household is wasting energy, get an energy audit. Simply call your electric company and they will perform this service free of charge.

3. Upgrade Your Appliances

Old appliances are notorious energy wasters. For one thing, your appliances naturally wear out over time and end up needing more energy to function.

Plus, appliance manufacturers are constantly inventing new ways to make their technology more energy-efficient. So, the newer models are typically more efficient than your old model ever was. Just make sure you look for the ENERGY STAR seal of approval when you shop for replacement appliances.

4. Upgrade Your Light Bulbs

You might think of energy-efficient light bulbs as “the expensive kind” because they cost more upfront than incandescents. But this is a myth. The truth is, incandescents use so much more energy than they cost more in the long run.

5. Upgrade Your Windows

Did you know that energy-inefficient windows can increase your heating and cooling costs? According to, 25-30% of the energy used to heat/cool a house is wasted this way. Prevent this waste by upgrading to energy-efficient windows.

6. Get Your HVAC Serviced

Speaking of heating and cooling costs, get professional maintenance on your HVAC twice every year (spring and fall). This keeps it running at its maximum efficiency all year round.

Achieve Lower Energy Bills With These Tips

If you want to achieve lower energy bills, then don’t let these tips go to waste. Keep this guide handy and follow these steps to use less electricity in your household.

For related content, read our guide on sustainable home upgrades for better health. Find this and other eco-friendly tips in our Household archives located under the General tab in our site menu.

Infographic Provided By Solar Panel Installation Maryland Company, Sunburst Solar

About the author

About the author

Robert Bradley is an active blogger. He graduated from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has contributed a number of great and informative articles to the internet. Apart from blogging he loves music, games, puzzles, and reading. Share your views with Robert in the comments.

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