How to Be a Good StepdadTeens

Important Computer Skills To Teach Your Children

In the modern environment, technology is continuously advancing. As a result, computers are the core aspects of your work and educational environment. As a result, computer skills are bound to rise in demand, and there’s an urgent need for your child’s preparation.

Besides learning the basics, reading head start program review, writing, and drawing, according to Forbes Magazine and their survey about computer-related employment, it was expected to increase by 22% by 2020.

By engaging in training your child on computer operation, you empower him or her to showcase these skills in solving complex tasks. In the end, these skills make your child tech-savvy.

Here’re some important computer skills to teach your child.

1. Using a Mouse and Computer Touchpad

A computer mouse or touchpad is responsible for selecting, opening, and closing computer programs and windows. Given its functions, it’s considered a fundamental skill you should teach your child first.

These features help your child navigate the home screen when choosing the windows they want to use. Therefore, without this skill, your child cannot operate a computer. A fun way to teach your child computer skills is through games like solitaire.

2. Operating a Computer Keyboard

After successfully operating a computer mouse, you should teach your child typing skills. With this skill, your child can enter information into the computer and engage in online research.

Mastering typing skills at an early age gives your child more time to perfect these skills, increasing his or her competence in transcription and typing-related jobs in the future.

When teaching your child, you should focus on his or her hand and finger positions. In perfecting this skill, you should engage your child in fun typing games, online tutorials, and assessments. These strategies will enhance your child’s correct spelling and high typing speed.

3. Creating, Sending, and Opening Emails

With the advancement of information technology, emails are common communication tools within formal and informal environments. Your child needs these skills to connect with you and your friends when necessary.

In the future, your child will work in a formal setting, and as such, this skill will enhance connections with other employees.

It would be best to teach your child the right email etiquette when writing and to respond to emails. Besides, your child needs to know how to create personal email addresses and components of fraudulent emails.

4. Basic Coding

Here, it would help if you informed your child about the operation of a computer. If your child is interested in a computer-related career, such information will help create a career foundation.

For instance, you should teach your child about coding’s basic building blocks. Ultimately, your child will have a solid foundation in preparation for future computer complexities.

5. Basic Computer Maintenance

Computers require proper handling and maintenance in case of operational issues. Therefore, you should take your child through the processes of plugging in, switching on a computer, and solving fundamental computer problems.

Your child will enhance the art of professionalism by proactively fixing and maintaining a computer. Minor maintenance issues cannot hamper your child from using a computer in the long run.

6. Proper, Safe and Smart Internet Usage

Safely navigating through the internet is vital for anyone who uses the internet for entertainment and online communication. Therefore, early knowledge of the right and wrong aspects of the internet plays a significant role in your child’s preparation.

Therefore, take your time to teach your child about opening and browsing through different web pages.

7. Microsoft Excel and Video Editing Basics

Even though these are advanced skills, you should gradually introduce your child to learn about them. For example, the early introduction of kids to spreadsheet software helps them make lists, calculations, and simple charts.

As your child gets used to the excel sheets from a young age, it increases their competence in the future working environment. Also, to enhance your child’s video editing skills, you should introduce him/her to various video editing software.

You can buy it from any of the direct selling vendors available online or at retail stores. This will expand your child’s skills in preparation for future computer careers. Ultimately, your child will only perfect these skills rather than starting to learn them from scratch.

The current generation is tech-savvy. Given the advancement of technology, it’s crucial to train your child on the basic computer components. Apart from personal use, these skills prepare your child to face the future work environment.

Given the anticipated increase in demand for computer-related experts, your child will easily navigate computer careers due to the strong foundation.

Therefore, you should teach your child various computer skills, including using a mouse and computer touchpad, operating a computer keyboard, and Microsoft excel and video editing basics.

You can also teach your child proper and smart internet use, essential computer maintenance, and email aspects. With these skills, your child will be competent and professional in a highly competitive business environment.

About the author

About the author

Stephanie Caroline Snyder graduated from The University of Florida in 2018; she majored in Communications with a minor in mass media. Currently, she is an Author and a Freelance Internet Writer, and a Blogger.

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One Comment

  1. This is such an important article! Computers are the way of the future and it is important that our children know the basics in order to succeed later in life.

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