
Tips For Working Out At Home As A Beginner

Physical fitness offers a plethora of benefits for your health. But in the current world situation, working out at home by setting up a home gym is the best way to workout with social distancing. If you are a beginner, working out at home can be a challenge in itself.

Benefits of Regular Exercise

  • Exercise releases endorphins into your body that improve your mood and mental health.

  • Regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, etc.

  • Daily exercise can help you sleep better, and you wake up feeling well-rested.

The Common Types of Home Workout Exercises

Cardio Exercises 

These are the exercises that boost your heart rate and help you burn the maximum calories. Some examples of cardio exercises are brisk walking, cycling, running, etc.

Strength Training 

These are exercises that help you build muscle strength. Some examples of strength training are weight lifting, pilates, and resistance training.

Flexibility & Mobility Training 

Exercises that focus on improving flexibility and mobility, such as yoga.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

This is a unique workout pattern that aims to elevate your heart rate. It consists of bursts of intense cardio or strength workouts followed by short rest intervals.

How to Begin Working Out at Home

Follow these tips to begin working out at home to reap the benefits of regular exercise.

Check Your Health

Visit a doctor for a general health check-up to understand the kind of exercise routine that suits your body. If you are above 45 years of age or suffer from a chronic illness – get advice from your doctor or physical therapist before starting your workout routine.

Find Inspiration and Set Achievable Goals

Like any other endeavor, working out requires inspiration for sustained efforts. Decide your long-term and short-term goals to keep yourself motivated. Ensure your goals are realistic and measurable.

Set-Up a Home-Gym

Defining a workout space in your home can help you create a positive mindset for your daily workout. There is a variety of fitness equipment available in the market for you to choose from.

Establish a Daily Workout Routine

There is no ‘best time to work out in a day. Choose a time that fits your routine. You can even experiment with different timings of home workouts to see which one suits you best.

Start Small & Track Your Progress

If you have never worked out before start with small achievable goals to motivate yourself and keep track of your progress. Assess your progress every few days and decide how you can push yourself to do more.

Keep a Back-up Plan

If you fall ill a week after you begin working out, or experience some other setbacks. Don’t give up! If you cannot go for your regular run, take a walk around the block.

Home workouts for beginners are easier said than done. The key is to find something that motivates you and keep moving every day. A full-body workout at home can give you great results and can go a long way in maintaining your health.

Making out time for exercises may be challenging for moms with a tight schedule. Here’s the ultimate workout guide for busy moms.

About the author

About the author

SF HealthTech with a single goal in mind – to bring high-quality, international standard exercise equipment to help fitness enthusiasts and athletes reach the next level of fitness. When he’s not working on new equipment ideas and designs, he loves to create educational content about health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. He also writes to help budding entrepreneurs on running and growing a business, based on his experience.

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  1. I found this article at such a perfect time! Now that the weather is getting colder I am dreading having to drive all the way to the gym every other day. I really love the idea of keeping a backup plan for the days when working out just seems to hard to do!

    1. Hi Andrea,
      Thank you for your comment. Indeed, being able to work out from home is a huge relief for many of us.

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