
Diaper Changing Tips For New Dads

My little girl is the light of my life. But I must admit before she was born, I spent many hours pondering all those thoughts new dads give too much thought to. Will I be a good dad? Will I know what to do when she’s ill? The list goes on.

The issue I spent the most time overthinking about was diaper changing. Would I know how to change a diaper without needing a hazmat team afterward?

Losing my job due to the Covid-19 pandemic means I get to stay home and help out more than before. It has allowed me to become a diaper-changing expert. I want to like to share my diaper changing tips for dads so you can become an expert at it too!

What Items You Need to Change a Diaper and Why You Need Them

In my experience as a dutiful dad, I’ve learned that preparation is key to a successful diaper change! The more organized you are, the more likely you’re to get the job done without too much fuss.

I’ve compiled a list of essential items that have turned me into a diaper changing pro.

Changing Mat

 A changing mat can be used on your changing station and anywhere else your little one needs to be changed. It’s designed for comfort and convenience, which makes it a game-changer.


This sounds like a no-brainer. But, don’t fall into the trap of getting the dirty diaper off only to realize you have left the diapers in the cupboard across the room.


The more wipes, the better. Some “experts” will tell you two or three is sufficient. But it’s entirely dependent on what you’re dealing with.


Always have diaper cream on hand. It would be best to use it after each change and not only when there’s a rash. Quality diaper cream helps prevent diaper rash.

Diaper Pail

Once you have the diaper off, you’ll need a place to throw it in immediately. Keep the diaper pail next to or under the changing table.

Snap-Close Bodysuits

The easier the clothes are to take off and put back on, the less you’ll struggle with dressing a fussing baby.

Hand Sanitizer Wipes

No matter how careful you are, poop happens. Getting some on your hands might want to send you to the nearest bar of soap, but that’s not always practical if you’re dealing with a baby on a changing table. Hand sanitizer wipes provide a quick fix.

Pacifier and Favorite Toy

Little hands want to explore everything. Grabbing at their diapers, the creams, you, and everything else they can reach for. Give your baby a pacifier or toy to keep their hands busy.

Tips on How to Change a Diaper

Here are some tips I suggest to make the process easier:

  • Wash your hands and ensure supplies are ready.
  • Lay your baby down. If it’s a bit cold, you might want to put a light blanket under the baby’s back. Rub your hands together to warm them up. Cold skin on your baby will make them cry or wriggle around.
  • When unclipping the bodysuit, move it up as high as possible to ensure it doesn’t get in the way.
  • Giving your little one some attention will keep them occupied. Talking, singing, pulling faces, or anything that will keep their mind and fingers off the situation at hand.
  • Have the new diaper open and ready.
  • Unfasten the dirty diaper. Don’t focus on the smell or the visual. Focus on getting your baby changed.
  • Slide the dirty diaper away. If your diaper pail is right next to you, you can easily drop it in. Out of sight is out of mind, after all.
  • Wipe the baby clean. Check for any signs of a rash.
  • Slide the clean diaper under the baby’s bottom.
  • Apply necessary creams to the front and back areas.
  • Close the diaper tabs and either close the existing bodysuit or put on a clean one.

How to Change a Diaper When You’re Out and About

Never leave home without a changing mat. The mat will allow you to put your baby just about anywhere to change. An organized bag is key. The next important element here is speed. Your little one will be wriggling, and you won’t have the space you’re used to.

Easy Ways to Pack a Diaper Bag

When I go out with my little lady, my diaper bag is my best friend. Everything you could need should be in there. But I should add, you need to pack it in an organized and structured way. You shouldn’t spend 20 minutes unpacking the entire bag to find the item you need.

Diaper bags have pouches, zipper pockets, and divisions for a reason. Don’t just hurl items randomly into the bag. Take time to organize the items for convenience. Put diapers in one pouch and creams in another. Remember, the point here is to make it easier, not more stressful!

How Many Diaper Changes Can You Expect?

Every baby is different. There is no specific amount of time your baby will need a diaper change every day. My personal experience has been every two or three hours with a newborn. But always be prepared for more, just in case.

What to Do if Your Baby Has Diaper Rash

Combat diaper rash by following these few steps:

  • Keep your little one’s skin clean and as dry as possible.
  • Use diaper cream with every change.
  • Use a mild hydrocortisone cream if normal diaper cream doesn’t alleviate the problem.

Final Thoughts

Changing your baby’s diaper shouldn’t get you stressed. Follow the tips I’ve compiled here and remember, like everything else, it also takes practice. Take a deep breath and get yourself organized. You’ll be changing diapers like a pro in no time!

About the author

About the author

Balint Horvath is the founder of Projectfather. He’s a first-time father, and when his daughter doesn’t occupy him, he is a productivity coach. He started the site to share his lessons learned, the research he has made along his journey. His Mission Is to help Dads in A-Z of Fatherhood.


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